Is Ivermectin an existential threat?

And worm free to boot. :wink:

Estimates vary. I saw the 18hours, also saw 12-36 hours.

Probably have better results invoking Baron Samedi than using horse paste.


That’s insane. A judge dictating medical treatment. The guys doctor prescribed 30 mg a day for 3 weeks. That works out to 630 mg. The recommended dose for a 170 lb male is 15 mg. Once. 15 mg for an entire year. In severe cases you can add additional doses up to 60 mg for a year. Those are those doses which have been tested and are safe. A judge is forcing a hospital to give a guy over 10 times the maximum yearly dose in three weeks.

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I am sure this means something…to the poster…hmmm

The function of such medicines is to manage symptoms, to prevent them from killing you long enough for you to recover. That’s how they would perform with pneumonia too.

An old talking point about these is that they were not vaccines, but that was never their function.

And we’ve come to learn that as the principal benefit of these so-called “vaccines” — which do not prevent you from becoming sick or being contagious — is the same, to help keep the symptoms from being so severe as to kill you (assuming, of course, you survive the jab … by some accounts they apparently don’t consider a death less than 14 days after the jab to be from the jab … which helps to downplay deaths from them) … they don’t really do what vaccines are supposed to do in the first place.

But they are good at getting repeat business, with what will likely turn out to be a never ending sequence of boosters all with unknown long term effects.

So, hey, Dr Faulty is doing well with his patents, right? So what if he illegally restored funding to the lab the KungFlu came from, and is on the record as saying Trump would face a pandemic and even called the viruses prototypes.

The Left is against Crony Capitalism, but with enough fear mongering and talking points winks at what might be a Killing Fields subclass.

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That’s a lot of words. A simple “no” would be sufficient.


This animal medicine thing is stupid. It’s been used by millions of people with billions of doses.

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So if the “vaccines” don’t do more why are they called vaccines?

It was why, for comparison, Dr Faulty was denied a patent calling his HIV jab a vaccine.

Maybe someday another Lefty will accidentally post a link to where they get their talking points and orders?

The Bee strikes again!

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I have no clue what you’re talking about or what point you’re trying to convey. Obfuscation is an art it appears.

So is that a no then? There’s nothing in here about how it helps against a virus.

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I did convey the function of the drugs … to survive and control symptoms.

Just as they might be used with viral pneumonia.

I also stated that rather than prevent infection, which is what vaccines do, the “vaccines” apparently do the same.

They aren’t really vaccines. But they are cash cows.

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What is it used for again? You’re not intentionally leaving that part out are you? I’d hate to think that you’re sitting there vaccinated encouraging people to eat horse paste that will do nothing for them.

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Bonk … the ball his a stone object shaped like a noggin!

No, I said what they do and why they might help survival.

What symptoms? What does it do exactly? Tell me. Show me the studies.

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No you didn’t. What use is the horse paste to control symptoms or anything else? Show me. Tell me. Anything. Literally anything.

Because, spoiler alert, I’ve looked and there’s nothing except mild speculation about eight years ago that it might potentially keep certain viruses from being more severe but there’s literally never been a study done on it.

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But the successful trials for these jabs are?

Are you vaccinated?