Is Ivermectin an existential threat?

So… this is to distract from the article that you posted to show that the vaccine doesn’t work that well actually showing that the vaccine still works pretty well right now.


I’m still trying to figure out the logic behind saying “I’m not getting the vaccine because Biden is bringing unvaxxed illegals into the country! That’ll show him!”.


It really doesn’t make sense.

There is no logic just grievances “it’s the hypocrisy” they say

They get defensive and cling to stupid excuses cause no one tells em what to do!

Some of the most vocal here are vaccinated themselves but dont point it out!

Not good for their cred…especially when pointing out the “hypocrisy”


That makes as much sense as anything else you say recently I guess: slim to none, and slim left town.

1% is better than nada.

I can’t make you understand.

You are right, because there’s nothing to understand.

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Who said that. I got my Pfizer vaccines

No it is another comment. I cannot defend what I said because there is no reason to defend the truth.

Depends on one’s definition of understanding. We aready know about liberals ability to understand anything, or, the lack thereof.

Humans are not actually taking dog meds. They are taking cattle and pig medicine (ivermectin 1% injectable sterile solution). The dose is titrated for human weight, by pound. People weighing 160 pounds don’t take the same dose as a 1200 pound cow……

He’s not in the moooooo’d to hear the truth. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Some humans were…hence the increase in calls to poison control in a few COVID-hot states.

Meanwhile, Japan is considering use of Ivermectin for treatment of COVID.

That’s from February 9th. It wasn’t approved then and it’s not approved today. If “moving ahead” means Japan does not allow the use of ivermectin then that is correct.


So you’re just engaging in fanfic now?


Better! Keep trying.

Glad you could catch up on a Star Wars prequel meme in 2021, edgelord.

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