Is it really about tick-tock time on TikTok in the USA?

awsome. i look forward to the rationales explained and the ensuing hilarity.

That was wild.

That whole presser was wild. The only thing I gathered is that “tele-health” was the word of the day they made him learn.

really doesn’t like that a bunch of kids punked his tulsa super-spreader rally. those kids saved lives.

also this might get ignored. but…

Yeah imagine how relieved many taxpayers will be.

How Trump collects revenues from big tech vs raising taxes on all corporations big and small.

Biden if elected has made already made it known how even the little guy’s with a family run business trying to make ends meet is hit up.

Check it out:

I legitimately missed that in all the word salad. I remember he said he could do like six things by executive order that he definitely cannot.

Lol small government conservatives of 2020, ladies and germs.

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here is the clip.

i also look forward to this defense.

■■■■■■■ tic tok. That’s what the central government executive branch is working on.


160k American deaths and counting, but this idiot is worried about Tik Tok. :man_facepalming:t2:

It’s revenge politics because people on the platform embarrassed him. That’s what narcissists do.


i for one am so glad he spent the last weekend playing golf during those two days to come up with a message and strategy for this coming week…arnt you?

In the grand scheme of things, yes.

isnt this pure socialism???

in a press conference today trump was talking about a potential deal for microsoft to buy the US share of tik tok
his exact quote

I did say that if you buy it, whatever the price is, that goes to whoever owns it, because I guess it’s China, essentially, but more than anything else, I said a very substantial portion of that price is going to have to come into the Treasury of the United States. Because we’re making it possible for this deal to happen. Right now they don’t have any rights, unless we give it to ’em. So if we’re going to give them the rights, then it has to come into, it has to come into this country.

i expect all the conservative to come out and condem thsi socialist takeover…

They wont.

How exactly does this work?

I wonder how small government Republicans feel about this.

They will pivot and abandon any and all of their so called political beliefs.

Look at the humilation and bullying Trump has inflicted on so many and still they Eat up the scraps they throw him.

its almost like trump is a mob boss demanding that microsoft wet his beak

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