Is it possible Sessions is just waiting for the right time?

Your beloved Eric Holder did for your Messiah while Loretta Lynch covered your Queen.

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Lynch recused herself which is how we ended up with that policy-breaking speech from Comey about how Clinton don’t break the law but was still bad.

She did? You have any proof of that?
Come on…spit it out.

Trump is a politician.

Nate Silver had Trump with about a 28% chance of winning.

Nate Silver had Trump at almost every %, sometime in his predictions. When Scott Adams came out with his 98% prediction he purposely was “bouncing off” Nate’s 2%.

He did it for persuasion, it immediately put his prediction in the same mention as Nates. He Scott gloats about it.

True, but that what it appears to us. Trump could fire him, he’s recused himself so it wouldn’t slow down Mueller one bit. But he doesn’t.

Maybe, I admit its very improbable, but maybe Sessions is biding his time, to unrecuse himself. He could easily do it, the statute he cited at the time only requires he recuse from criminal investigations. Collusion isn’t a crime. And they say Trump is not the Target of Mueller’s show now.

Why do you keep throwing that term around? You clearly don’t know what it means.

He hires the best people, said so himself.

If repugs remain solidly control of congress and pick up few seats in the senate…Session will be fired.

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May-be. I hope he will wake up and unrecuse himself. That would be great.

Some members of congress has said that they wouln’t approve another nomination for AG if Trump fired him.

Delicious irony at play here.

Trump appoints a racist bigot to curry favor with his alt right supporters, never imaging Sessions would actually do the right thing, and follow the law.

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What law did Sessions follow when he recused himself?

Why do you think that would be the deciding factor? They already have the House and the Senate. And Donald has been hating on Sessions for a while now.

Basic constitutional guidelines, separation of powers. Trump acts as if the AG is HIS attorney. he isn’t.

Donald Trump is the President. The power of the executive branch is vested in the President. The Department of Justice is in the executive branch of the government.

The head of the Department of Justice, the Attorney General, is part of the President’s cabinet and serves at the pleasure of the President.

The president is not pleased with Sessions.

You didn’t answer the question “What law did Sessions follow when he recused himself?”


You either want that or you don’t.

Sessions quoted a specific law when he recused himself. That is what I asked for. “Separation of power” isn’t it.

I heard that too. I also heard McConnell won’t declare a recess and that stops Trump from making recess appointments. Whether that is for or against Trump I can’t say, the ways of Washington and K Street puppet masters do nothing in the light.