Is it illegal to be a racist?

Then they should leave it to social media to deal with.

If 'tis beyond school’s end
School authority does not extend

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Looks like you and others are getting all worked up over nothing.

You think they’re doing it “unofficially”? That would be worse.

There’s no such thing as unofficial police investigations


Or y’all getting worked up over nothing.

If you want to get to the heart of the problem you have to go back 10 years.

When you elect someone that comes from a Church of hate (Rev. Wright) or has a radical Commie as an adviser for eight years (Valerie Jarrett, Van Jones), is friends with Farrakan who really really hates America, sells guns to Drug Cartels, sells uranium to Americas enemy the Russians, gives billions to a country responsible for killing hundreds of Americans during the Iraq war, let’s Hillary keep her personal server that was hacked by the Chinese since 2009.

Not quite the American values you look for in a President .


Asking questions or assisting the school doesn’t mean opening an investigation. You don’t know what you are talking about.

And it seems now they are investigating real incidents of physical harm. Police tend to frown on that sort of thing.

when i look at the pic i just see a bunch of kids waving but only the fragile people looking fo grievance with every breath they take see nazis. lighten up francis, nazis aren’t under the bed

I can only go off the articles posted.

Yeah, it does. Police departments do not act in “unofficial” capacities.

Sure they are. Just coincidence.

i like for racists, racist supporters and racist sympathizers to be front and center. it’s the ones in trailers not talking to anyone that you have to really worry about.

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Did I say official investigation or official capacity?

Asking questions or assisting the school doesn’t mean opening an official investigation. You don’t know what you are talking about.

Yes it does. The police routinely arrest people or threaten to for “interfering with my investigation.” During traffic stops. You think they aren’t going to file their time on this? I do know what I’m talking about.

From what I’ve read, there’s a pattern at that school of rampant bigotry by its students and possibly its faculty.

Quite possible. I have no doubt it would violate school policy.

Is it illegal?

no you don’t.

Yeah, me too… Oh, wait.

It’s a hyperbolic hate crime. I thought the same thing Ceasar. Why are the police investigating. It turns out that the photographer told the class at an all boys school to wave to the camera. That is what they did. Not everyone believes that story…but I don’t see what is so off. Photographers do that sort of thing all the time.

Americans get too butthurt about things all the time. And at the time we conservatives said the PC movement and hate crime movement would be horrible.

There was another issue where a kid sent a swastika to other kids near by him in his school. It was probably a joke…but he’s now being kicked out of school I think.

hell…I am a doodler. In school I doodled in meetings at work I doodle. I am also ADD…and I have a hard time focusing on people speaking. So I take notes and I doodle. I often in school doodled all kinds of things. I used to draw all kinds of symbols…crosses, swastika’s, orthodox crosses, hearts, boats, stick figures and the like. Does this mean I was a nazi, or racist. NO, it meant I was a dumb ass kid.

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I’ve been arrested, so there.

I hope it wasnt for dancing naked in a cowboy hat in public. :rofl: