Is it better to have a president who has already survived COVID? Or one who is deathly afraid of it?

@LucyLou you care to answer?

Link to the contact tracing report from the WH per favore. Those are some strong assertions there LL

These Trump rallies are killer.

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Your man right here.

I mean…why the ■■■■■■■ masks?


Here is one where Biden needs to be told how to cough correctly.

He didn’t want to cough in his own mask and risk giving himself the virus, duh.


I like presidents who follow established safety protocols so they don’t catch Covid.

The current occupant of the White House has infected quite a few people in the West Wing, leaving our government in a vulnerable position. That is a national security issue.

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Donald is not allowing contract tracing.

Does this mean Trump is immune and can toss his mask?

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It doesn’t have to be 100% effective for measures to be valuable.

I honestly don’t understand why people can’t grasp this very, very simple concept.

Typhoid Trump v. Basement Joe? Tough choice. I have a hard time willfully picking stupid, though.



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56% of Americans think he’s better off wearing a mask.

Recent Gallup poll!

Does he still need one? :thinking:

I am pretty certain I coined this one; haven’t heard or seen it on the interwebs yet…

Are those statements or questions? Seems like your punctuation and your words disagree with one another.

Regardless of who’s president everyone is likely to get it unless there is a viable vaccine or herd immunity is even a possibility. It’s hard to completely duck this virus. Germany of all places who did a good job for western standards in containing it is seeing and explosion in it right now.

I am in no form and anti-vaxxer but I would be wary of all these fast tracked vaccines in the pipeline considering the standard time it takes for a regular drug to be approved to the public, around 12 years.

That’s not an if. There is a viable vaccine. 91 percent effective after one dose. 100 percent effective after a second dose.

Let’s hope it doesn’t have long term side effects, that show up years after administered. I still would be hesitant in taking it depending on age.

Do they! I don’t know?

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