Is it a race war if white people are fighting white people over black issues?

I recognize the threat. There has to be a compromise, somewhere, and a national conversation (as unlikely as it is).

I really wish the media would quit giving so much attention to all the negativity, I understand it generates ad click revenue but I think the majority of Americans aren’t interested in the fringe decisiveness we see taking part in these protests regardless of their race.

Biden has made racial strife and division the basis of his campaign.

He has already declared the Kenosha police are racist and used excessive force in the Blake shooting. He has a firehose of gasoline pointed at the fires of racial strife even if most of the rioters are white.

Biden continues to bring light, but it is from burning cities in what CNN labels as “fiery but mostly peaceful protests”:

I saw that, it would be nice to start hearing some unity voices, before one day they go so far it never comes back.