Is he a good illegal or a bad illegal?

Ok, what does that have to do with me?

I thought you sounded a lot like him. It made me giggle.

Yep. And Panama. I was there.

What’s your point?

I don’t advocate removing people from the planet.

Expired visas.

You, like the person i’m talking about, believes that human population is double the capacity that it should be. You, like him, believes that we can be far prosperous as a species if we can reduce the population level by half. You, like him, would like to find a better way to accomplish that rather than killing their way to that magic population number.

Yeah, sounds similar to me.

My point is that is likely part of the reason for the way America felt at the time. You know an answer to the post I was quoting? Are you even reading the thread?

I understand that your method and his method are different. He accomplishes it with merely a snap, and your way takes a lot longer, but that’s why i suggested we need some infinity stones.

It takes away from a joke if it has to be explained.

You admitted to it already. I am not speaking for you

It’s a simple fact, the US is overpopulated. We are using renewable resources twice as fast as they can be regenerated. Our consumption is waaaay higher than Europe (the example you libs want to follow).

Norway gets brought up a lot. 34 people per square mile.

US 88. But that is overly simplistic given what Centgov has done in the west.

You libs need to stop having babies.

He was right. I had to deal with those people in those camps. They were fleeing prison, not persecution.

Katie Steinle’s murderer hearts thi post.

Can you provide a link that quantifies ideal people/sq mile.

What is the fertility rate of liberals you’re using to suggest liberals need to stop having babies over the fertility rates of other ideological groups.

Libs don’t neet to stop having babies, unless you consider crushing them in the womb and having them sucked out “stopping”

Yes. I already told you were to find it.

Good Lord.

How do I know if you’re a good human or a bad human?

No you haven’t.

Good Lord

Of course I did.

Global Footprint Network

Good Lord was to you demanding fertility data.

There’s no such link in this thread, but you know that.

Why are you saying things that aren’t true.

I didn’t say it was a link.