Is Global warming finally kaput as an issue?

Humans have existed on this planet for about 200,000 years. So our story is .05% the story of the earth’s. We are less than a blip in the story of life on earth. Our sustainability is anything but assured.

Ive got to comment on this, only because it seems to be the typical thought process from those who aren’t terribly concerned. Yes, the earth is old. And yes, she’s endured a lot. But here’s the thing… even if you were to play out the most dire scenarios forecasted, the earth will still go on, just without us in all likelihood. Trying to minimize AGW isn’t an attempt to save the earth, it’s an attempt to allow our species, and the species upon which we rely on, to persist. Now long before we have to worry about extinction, there’s a variety of issues that GW is contributing to that cause social strife; water shortages, food shortages, devastation from storm events that are growing in power. Now this may not be applicable to you, not sure, but I find it completely ironic that a lot of the people that say AGW is unnecessarily scaring the kids are also the same kids that don’t worry about GW because that big man in the sky with the awesome beard takes care of everything. Why is it ironic? Well think of your Sunday school lessons as a kid… all fire and brimstone. If you think this, you go to hell. If you don’t do that, you go to hell. Talk about scaring the ■■■■ out of the kids…

But secondly, no, I can assure humans won’t last longer than any other species on earth. This is basic biology. Long, long, long before us, we had a variety of single-cell organisms, bacteria, sponges, etc. Those same species will persist long after we’ve left this earth. I don’t think the point of the AGW theory is to instill fear… people need to be educated, and the fact is, the consequences can be a little unsettling. In the same way, learning about the Holocaust isn’t exactly an exciting ordeal, but its enormously important to ensure we actually learn from our history.

I get that what you wrote “feels good”… but its derived from beliefs that are simply wrong. That’s a dangerous path to go down…


Well there is always carbon credits one can buy to help sustain humanity on earth!! :roll_eyes: GET OVER IT mankind will eventually become extinct as all other species have and harassing humans on earth isn’t going to change that. Enhancing the human mind to develop technology that will sustain human life on earth is more productive then fear & guilt tactics.

Fear mongering environmentalists are so cruel & arrogant!

So, you’re solution is simply to throw in the towel? That seems a little… lazy?

It almost appears as though you’re acknowledging there’s an issue, but hey, don’t bother us with it… you don’t want to be harassed? This is a new one to me…

You act like we have to invent all of these grand new technologies. We don’t necessarily… we simply need to recognize that loading our atmosphere with CO2 at the rate we have been can have some pretty bad consequences and to avoid them, we need to curb those emissions.

This is really now different in talking to an alcoholic. That excess alcohol has a high likelihood of eventually killing them, so we warn them of the dangers of excesses and persuade them to curb their intake. Or do we simply say “Well, we all die anyways…” and pour them another?


10 caravans

Like going to college or something? How often is that denigrated by wingnuts around here?

About as often as current college grads have been denigrated & brainwashed by wingnut professors.

Typical lib logic…………worry about what “might” happen 100’s of years from now but don’t worry about anything happening right now!

That makes no sense.