Is Gen Z evil or just confused?

Not all mind you. But large numbers of them seem to think it ok to:

  1. Put babies in ovens.
  2. Use rape as a weapon of war.
  3. Beat a woman to death for not wearing a hijab.
  4. Execute a man for criticizing Islam.
  5. Legally own a woman and beat her whenever you see fit.
  6. Kill gays for being gay.
  7. Forced compliance with Islam.
  8. Torture and rape civilian captives.
  9. The total annihilation of a race/religion.
  10. The elimination of free speech/ expression.
  11. Prison or execution for not adhering to Islamic law.

Did I miss anything? These are what these people are supporting when they fall in love with authoritarian Islam. Can anybody solve this mystery? What is it that these lunatics are so attracted to?

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How large are these numbers that seem to think that a jewish genocide and sharia law are good things?

All of them. How can you support Hamas/Iran without supporting their polices? They make no distinction what so ever.

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All of whom?

Because they are binary. Because they only see conquerors and the conquered. Because that’s how young people often think.

Berating younger generations with giant paint sprayers isn’t helping. It’s very easy to understand what it is they are protesting it is a lot harder to convince them how wrong they are

So instead let’s just call them evil and move on


You want to address issues - sure

They are

Shouting down rational voices
Promoting garbage like silence is violence
Thinking in monotone colors without understanding the complexities or the history of the issues

Those are issues

Your list is trying to demonize them quite literally so as to never listen.

Wouldn’t that be monochrome?

I don’t think the kids are wrong.

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I would say some of Gen Z is more apt to the LGBTQ+ movement, and I would say they are more pro-life than millennials.

As a Zillennial I have one foot in Gen Y and the other in Gen Z. 1997.

That said, there are a lot of protests on college campuses that would convince otherwise. A lot of students are indoctrinated at college, even those who were or could be considered Conservatives. I saw this in some of my classmates. One of my former friends who used to be Conservative, was influenced by her mom to shift to the opposite side of the political spectrum.

I think they are so rabidly anti-colonialists to the degree that they ignore all evidence that shows the poor downtrodden they support can be just as evil as anyone else. Basically they see the Palestinians as total victims and ignore any other evidence that may challenge that view. They don’t know the history behind what we call Palestine in the first place. They honestly believe the Zionists just showed up and kicked all the natives out, which is not what happened. But that’s how they justify it.

In other words, they’re stupid.


You seem to be defending all the things that I listed. You’re a maniac.

I believe it’s more of a matter of ignorance, than evil. They truly don’t know how stupid they are.

My list is accurate. All of those things I listed is happening in regimes they support.
My favorite is “Queers for Palestine.” They might as well call it Queers for the oppression, torture and murder of queers.


I think these are very small minorities of young people, many of whom are just getting caught up in the fight as a, dumb, way of expressing themselves for the first time.

The media is blowing this out of proportion and taking advantage of it for political purposes, as they do.

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The United States doesn’t colonize. And we fought war to end it. They ignore that.

I think they have a very Zen outlook on things. The oppressed of the moment. They don’t believe in reckonings. In consequences.


They never look at the full story.

Sure. But these Ivy leaguers are supposed to be smart and able to analyze data. Thats why they’re there. Not go where the winds of stupidity blow them.

That would be every man, woman and child in Iran.

No doubt. But does the story matter if you’re living in the moment?

How do you break the cycle?


We don’t colonize anymore. We had an empire for a while in the early 20th century. It was a mistake that we rectified. I’m talking about the way they view Israel.

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