Is everything Trump's fault?

Maybe you should go see an audiologist.

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I guess so. Are you able to send it to Delhi?

His Twitter was scrubbed of every post with the words invaders or invasion because it’s no big deal.

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What do you think of Beto O’Rourke smirking at the death of El Paso victims?

What I’m saying is, that even though I don’t think Trump handled it right, what the MSM did with it was beyond despicable. Do you agree or do you only look one direction?

Aren’t we all going to be dead in 12 years anyway??? :rofl:

Its Obamas fault.

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Not sure that’s accurate. For instance, this tweet is still on his twitter.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1056919064906469376&

That’s an interesting report. :+1:

Yes. How dare him! :wink:

President’s immediate response should have been to tell the person that is not how things are done in the US and there are other ways to address the issue. And then told the audience not to laugh.

CEC appreciates you blaming the media for Trumps words.

Literally every politician would have done exactly that…but we’re supposed to feel sorry for Trump being “caught between a rock and a hard place”.

One would think people would expect more from their President…expect that he rise above the passion of the crowd instead of being led by it.

Oh well…

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Best president ever

His tweets are left wing propaganda? Hiw invaders and rapists are pouring over the borders?

You think that African Americans won’t work because Trump says racist things?

Curious to know what Trump specifically to help one community.

Council for Exceptional Children? That’s cool. At least they understand. Now…I wish you did?

Notice how the article framed Trump’s response…“attacks”. This is another example of the MSM ratcheting up their rhetoric and creating the emotional atmosphere for mass murderers.

Is this a case of the emperor’s nude clothes… I truly can’t hear anything that sounds like "shoot them. " The unreliable media tells me that’s what was said, but it’s not at all discernible on the videos I’ve watched. I think it’s all a con.

Why would Trump say, “Only in the Panhandle could you get away with saying [Shoot them].” ?

Why would that be a Florida thing?

They called it an attack because it was.

Obama didn’t condemn Trump as Trump falsely accused.

He talked about the rhetoric (didn’t mention Trump by name, but it’s clear that’s who he was talking about).

Trump mentioned the 32 mass shootings during Obama’s term in office, but did he point to any time Obama used rhetoric that would encourage such violence?

That’s the difference here.