Is everything Trump's fault?

“Honestly”…I think a comment was made and the President chose his way, in a split second, to handle it. He chose to single it out and say “only”…meaning IMO…it shouldn’t have been said but he was stuck between a rock and a hard place and chose to not endorse nor harshly condemn but to move on. The MSM spotlighted this incident, then edited their videos to make it sound worse than what actually happened, for the sole purpose of sensationalism and to make their station relevant but at the cost of promoting anger and potentially…violence. These mass shootings are the indirect result. Now be honest.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place?

Are you serious?

Presidents have faced such shouts before. Theyb
have to a man condemned and scolded such talk.

They didn’t even have to think about it…but Trump was “stuck between a rock and a hard place”?

What do you think it says about him?

They are avoiding to answer the question like this

That’s nice. Has GatewayPundit proven reliable as a source of news?

Yeah…I’d ignore the meat of what I stated too. This truth hurts.

IDK…it’s not a source I use. It sounds like you’re more familiar with them so…answer your own question.

There was no meat.

He…laughed…at the suggestion of violence.

You choose to say he was “being neutral”.

That’s ridiculous.

The only acceptable solution was instant condemnation.

I ask again…what does it say about him that he doesn’t realize this?

And I ask again…if you messaged your kids in this manner about an issue like this, what do you think they’d take from that?


Maybe this was taken as implicit permission?

Again with this? Please check with attention the video you posted in this thread.

If there was anything to rail about, it was how the incident was handled by the MSM. You choosing to only look one direction, says a lot about how you analyze something. It’s an inferior method than attempting to see the entire picture in which to pick your fights. Mine is the anger that’s being created in all the sheople and the violence it’s perpetuating…without ignoring, Trump could have handled the incident better.

The El Paso shooter was wholly on board with Trump so by your definition he is not “a sheeple”.

And plenty of media outlets posted the entire video. I saw the entire exchange.

And again…what does it say about Doanld Trump that his immediate impulse when faced with this shout was to laugh at it, when pretty much every politician faced with a similar situation immediately calms things down by shutting down such talk?

It’s literally the easiest thing for a politician to do…he appears statesmanlike and loses no points for “scolding his own”.

That’s not true and he even made that point in his manifesto but did state that fake news wouldn’t portray it that way. By the shooter’s standards, that makes you fake.

Of course everything isn’t Trump’s fault, just like everything wasn’t Obama’s fault.

Once again folks acting like they are outraged over this when they were doing the same damn thing from Jan 20, 2009 to right now.
Yes Trump is a terrible politician and an even worse human being, but he’s a just a branch of a much bigger tree in this country, definitely not the root. However, he does a damn good job representing that root.

When it came to the Hispanic “invasion” he most certainly was

Oh…oh…oh…let’s move the goalposts and maybe I’ll be right then…amirite? :sunglasses:

The only complaint he had about the GOP (and it’s unclear whether Trump could be lumped in with the GOP) was where he accused the GOP of being pro-corporation which might lead to more immigration.

But everything else was straight out of Trump’s playbook. He feared Texas would become a “Democrat stronghold” because “pro-open borders Democrats” were “luring new voters by offering illegals free health care”.

Now…are you going to answer my questions? When Trump in one breath says he “condemns violence” burning the next “winks at it”…whether intentionally or unintentionally…what message does that send?

Be honest.

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I couldn’t hear anyone say, "Shoot them. " Could anyone hear someone say, “Shoot them”?

So what you’re saying is that Trump finds it hard to condemn shooting innocent people? Gotcha.

Would you like to borrow my hearing aid?


Sigh…now we have the ‘deny reality’ approach