Is Biden sleepwalking the US into WW3?

The Biden administration recently announced that Ukraine can attack Russia with NATO-supplied missiles with a range of hundreds of miles into Russian territory. Ukraine recently claimed that US-supplied HIMARS hit targets near Belgorod.

For the first time Ukraine has fired a US High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) which “destroyed targets” inside Russia.

Ukrainian forces fired the HIMARS which is thought to have hit a Russian S-300 of a S-400 air defence system which also sent a field ablaze in Belgorod city, the Russian Defence Ministry confirmed.

Vladimir Putin has issued a threat warning the West and Ukraine this will “fatal consequences.”
Putin warns of ‘fatal consequences' as US HIMARS fired at military targets inside Russia - London Business News |

Of course, these missiles require NATO-supplied targeting information, and NATO “contractors” are required to maintain and operate the missile systems. Ukraine provides the launching location and perhaps a Ukrainian finger is on the launch button. Russia has made it clear that NATO-backed attacks on Russia such as these are a red line and are a NATO act of war against Russia:

I would like to warn American leaders against miscalculations that could have fatal consequences. For unknown reasons, they underestimate the seriousness of the rebuff they may receive, . . .

“I urge these figures (in the U.S.) … to spend some of their time, which they apparently spend on some kind of video games, judging by the lightness of their approach, on studying what was said in detail by Putin,” Ryabkov said.

Putin had delivered “a very significant warning and it must be taken with the utmost seriousness”, he added.

Putin said the West would be directly involved in any use of its weapons by Ukraine to strike deep inside Russia, because such attacks would require its satellite, intelligence and military help.
Russia Is Flashing Red, the West Better Pay Attention

The US policy is that responses to conventional attacks such as these could include a nuclear first strike:

The United States would only consider the employment of nuclear weapons in extreme circumstances to defend the vital interests of the United States, its allies, and partners. Extreme circumstances could include significant non-nuclear strategic attacks. Significant non-nuclear strategic attacks include, but are not limited to, attacks on the U.S., allied, or partner civilian population or infrastructure, and attacks on U.S. or allied nuclear forces, their command and control, or warning and attack assessment capabilities.
Nuclear Operations and Counter-Homeland Conventional Warfare: Navigating Between Nuclear Restraint and Escalation Risk - Texas National Security Review

We have a president who has trouble finding his way off of a stage. He is surrounded by advisors who appear to be marching NATO into a hot war with Russia and are downplaying the likely Russian response.

Is Biden sleepwalking into WW3?

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it isn’t Biden, it’s the democratic party and the military industrial complex … they think they can win a limited nuclear war


Is Putin?

Putin invaded Ukraine
Putin attacks Ukraine from Russia
Putin threatens nuclear war

All of this is Putin’s doing


There isn’t going to be any nuclear war, Putin is not that stupid


Tell me why it’s so important for the US to get this involved in the Russia/Ukraine war?


we cannot allow Russia to succeed in Ukraine. I don’t know why that’s hard to understand. Putin will not stop there, and if we allow him to succeed, we will be pulled into a real shooting war. He has already made statements about Estonia and Lithuania that mirror exactly what he said about Ukraine before he invaded it (ethnic Russians, Russian speakers, etc.) If you don’t want to be obligated under NATO to go fight Russia, the time to stop him is in Ukraine.


The President needs to put a brake on the war hawks.

The US nearly invaded Cuba in during the Cuban missile crisis. All the “experts” told Kennedy that the way to deal with Soviet missiles in Cuba. President Kennedy overruled them.

Only after the Cold War did we find out that Soviet troops had tactical nukes and were given permission to use them in case of a US invasion.

Obama did not get us involved when Putin took Crimea and I think it was the right move. IMO…Putin would not attack a NATO country. If he did, then we get involved. We’ve been down this road in many countries over many years and have nothing to show as a gain except thousands of young lives lost in our military.

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Yes, NATO expansion is the hill to die on, and the neocons are willing to take the rest of down with them.

We have already killed hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians and wasted hundreds of billions from NATO taxpayers.

Now we are trying to figure out how to transport hundreds of thousands of US troops across the Atlantic to fight Russia. The problem is that Russian missiles are likely to kill them before they even get to the front lines.

our Military isn’t fighting in Ukraine. And I would not support it doing so.

Obama didn’t do “nothing” he just didn’t do much. At the time Ukraine was incapable of doing much, so that made some sense, though, like Trump, I would have sent lethal aid and not just blankets and MRE’s.

This is also different than 2014. Russia is not hiding its invasion behind little green men. They have overtly invaded Ukraine with the intent to overthrow its government and absorb Ukraine into Russia or turn it into a slave state like Belarus.

Putin won’t invade Estonia or Lithuania, he will foment “separatists” yearning for mother Russia within their borders. (hello again little green men). Do you think we could allow that?

If the Russians gave Mexican drug lords missiles and Russian “contractors” to fire missiles into San Diego and El Paso, would we consider that an act of war by Russia?

On this one, we’ll have to agree to disagree. What appears to be evolving is the expected result based on our very first move.

But the people who run Biden’s teleprompter appear to be that stupid.

ok then we need to mobilize troops and artillery

throwing them billions every month just funds their corruptions, there and here

i dont know why thats hard to understand


By definition that’s insanity.

No. It takes two. China is instigating as well. That makes 3. Biden is definitely in over his head and surrounded with poor talent in these matters.

All Biden can focus on is ■■■■■■■ with MAGA and Trump. Half of his people.


The logistics strongly favor the Russians, and US troops are woefully unprepared to fight in a land war in Ukraine. Biden is clueless.

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No. NATO would be a different matter.

This is not different than Crimea and Georgia.

Well, and with mixed feelings about the subject, Barry facilitated the removal of Soviet nuclear weapons from within the Ukrainian borders.
Now, with Ukraine’s history of corruption having nuclear missiles stored in silos admittedly is a foolish scenario to tolerate. But, had the Ukrainian military had the deterrent? I’m of the opinion Putin’s forays into Ukraine would not have happened.
But what do I know. :crazy_face:

Name one country that defeated Russia on Eastern European soil.

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