Is Biden sleepwalking the US into WW3?

That’s ■■■■■■■■ and you know it. The aid we send them is almost entirely weapons and ammunition, not money. As far as the money we do send them goes, I have no issue with either auditing or letting the EU handle any actual funding instead of us.

And why would we send our own troops to accomplish what we can accomplish by just sending weapons and ammo? How much would it cost for us to do it ourselves vs arming Ukraine to defend themselves? Dude, if its the cost, we’re paying pennies on the dollar to achieve the same result.

I don’t disagree. And its why we need Trump back


correct, it would be a different matter. And Putin will do it. If he gets away with it in Ukraine, why would he not? All he needs to do is foment a “separatist” movement and support it covertly until such a time as he thought “liberating” them would be possible without triggering article 5. Article 5 does not cover internal rebellions.

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Russian corruption is even worse.

“Never get involved in a land war in Asia.”

Perhaps that is why western Europeans have long viewed Russians as “Asians”.


geeze. so true

maybe the military isnt inclusive enough….

proxy wars dont work. history tells us this. esp in Corruptistan.

if we want to beat russia, but not commit troops, then it’s time for heavy bombardment, tactical nukes even

get serious or lose

“It may be dangerous to be America’s enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal.”–Henry Kissinger

Ukraine is certainly fulfilling that statement.


The US is way ahead in the DEI department. Victory is guaranteed.

Satire and reality have converged again.


Technically Chechnya won the first Chechen War.

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Chechens are North Caucasian mostly Sunni Muslims and not Western Europeans.
The Russians are Slavic inbreds. Although factionalized in the film “Patton” (to an extent), Patton incensed over the deal Eisenhower had made with Zhukov to allow the communists to stroll into Berlin and fly their flag above the Reichtag, Patton later wanted to run the Russians out of Germany and back to Russia.
My father served in 3rd Army 14th Armored Div. He used to see the bull ■■■■ the Russians engaged in during the ‘50’s and 60’s and would only comment: “they should have listened to Patton”. Oh well


Well first what are the terms?

Is Russia v. NATO to be considered a “World War”.

Eh if the Russians hadn’t have took Berlin a whole ■■■■ ton of Americans and Brits would have been killed taking a city they were going to give to the Russians anyway. That stuff had already been worked out at the Allied conference.

Eisenhower didn’t see the point in getting Americans and Brits killed for city that was already going to be in the post war Soviet sphere of influence.

Patton was also crazy. A good general, but completely insane. He was the only person who wanted to fight the Red Army right after World War II. Everyone else was sick to death of war considering how hard it was to put the Nazis 6 feet under the earth.

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I would think so. Considering someone would use nukes. Probably the Russians out of desperation.

Good on you. :joy:

It’s funny when i read posts in Russian they just call everyone stupid Americans. :upside_down_face:

Good post.

It was a steam valve for the Russians.

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woulda, shoulda, coulda… I think Patton was right… (extending the hot war may have lessened or prevented the cold war…)

but here we are and what good is a weapon if it isn’t used?

Churchill developed plans to use US, UK, and German forces to attack the Soviet Union at the of WW2.

The problem was that it was obvious to military planners that the Soviets would win.

Operation Unthinkable - Wikipedia

The same sort of thing appears to be going on now, but the natural selection process in the Pentagon and the intel agencies means that telling the truth about how the US would fare in a war with Russia is now ticket for dismissal and possible prosecution.

A neocon goal since the end of the Soviet Union has been to dismember Russia like we did to Yugoslavia.

I would argue that they hard earned it as a trophy. 8 out of 10 Werhmacht killed during the war was killed by the Soviets. They lost 30 million people fighting the Germans (granted some of that was do to the tactics they used and how incompetent the Soviet government and military were during Barbarossa) but it’s still an insane sacrifice. They had earned it in my opinion.

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Operation Unthinkable was Churchill’s pipe dream.