Is Biden going to war against Texas

With a lot of democrats calling for biden to take over the TX national guard and declare martial law is biden going to do their bidding? Are the left really ready to start a civil war over their scheme to flood the country with new voters to gain more congressional districts and have single party rule? The democrats once started a war to keep slaves or they ready to start a new civil war in their quest to be the only party in the United States?


Would it be alright with you if a blue state ignored a SCOTUS ruling?

It’s likely coming not sure how it’s gonna start. Maybe this is it it would’ve been so much nicer to have had a national divorce the peaceful way like Czechoslovakia did instead, everybody just wants to cram their ideas down the other ones throats. It’s not working

Seems to alright with you that your President is ignoring a SCOTUS ruling. How much has biden stolen to pay of all those loser college grads loan debt?


Those loser firemen and teachers.

Please please please make this part of the outcry. How dare you forgive student loans for first responders!?!?! Good luck

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Is he using the same plan that the SCOTUS stopped or is he using existing programs?


More likely losers with phd’s in women’s studies, or dead languages. .

Firemen can get a job to pay their own loan


The last forgiveness was to firemen and teachers.

Booo Biden booooo

That’s right Booo.

I and millions of others were responsible and paid back our loans.

Flipping dead beat generation.


No. I think we’ll stick with Biden not defending the border nor allowing states to defend their own borders. In fact, add that one as an addition to the impeachment hearings.


There ya go

What impeachment hearings

Those damn firemen and teachers

The ones that need to include Biden’s failure to protect our border and the threat of force against a state for daring to defend its border, if he does so, as some Democrats want.

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So a dream. Okie. Good luck.

No, not a dream. At this point an inquiry.

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Bingo. Biden has ignored more than 1 SC ruling.

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Exactly - At this point

Fine. Then add his failure to protect the border and his steps to stop Texas from defending its own border to the impeachment “inquiry”.

The Supreme Court isn’t part of the executive branch.

That second part is not on Texas. It’s nice rhetoric though. But i agree the border is a mess

But you guys are dreaming about the border leading to actual impeachment hearings

Congress needs to impeach Biden, not the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court did not say Biden could not defend our border nor did they say Biden had to stop Texas from defending our border. That was Biden’s choice.
I don’t know what other guys you are taking about, but I agree with them.

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