Is Beto O'Rourke the new Obama?

Robert O’Rourke is not only a foul-mouthed cop hater, but he is also a sexual degenerate. The man is involved in “furry” activities, so disgusting I cannot discuss them on this board. He is unfit to be President.

I don’t know what “made waves” means.
He lost, he should have won.
His Follow Your Dreams hog wash had him 9 points behind. He finally went on the attack and lost by about 2.5 points.
He should have won. Cruz was weak. Beto ran a poor campaign.

I just read some of that stuff, including his Wax My Ass poem.
He’s toast. Whatever career he had will be destroyed in the primaries.

Here’s some more:
Around 1988, O’Rourke posted several strange writings under the handle “Psychedelic Warlord.” In one, he fantasized about taking pleasure in murdering children by running them over with a car .

Can you show it?

Also forced entry.

Note to self: Next crime spree get a judge for a daddy.

Robert Francis O’Rourke is the personification of white privilege.

So is there white privilege? Did we ever decide?

WHOAH, can you direct me to this?

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I have no problem with 15 yo kids being little edgelord douches as long as they grow out of it and don’t kill anyone in the process.

Yeah, but just wait till they come out with what he did in kindergarten.

He hasn’t.

Remember Kavanaugh?




Kavenaugh was accused of actually assaulting someone.

It’s a little different.


He was around 25 and in college. Slightly different than 15. And as @Jezcoe said, sexual assault.

No, it isn’t. Bobby actually wrecked someone and did forced entry. Among other things.

You excuse one because of youth and the other one not.

No, he wasn’t.

I am excusing Beto for writing terrible poetry.

That’s it.

Kavanaugh was accused without any evidence at all. Bobby actually did it.

If he wasn’t a judge’s son, he would have been in jail. Walking privilege.