Is Beto O'Rourke the new Obama?

There you go again, presuming to know more than you do.

I find it amazing that so many Democrats (some of the right here in this thread) still believe that Trump won because people supported him. :wink:

At least Biden admits it. I heard him call himself the gaffe King just st the other day.

Who cares. That’s not how Presidents are elected.

Accumulation of 49 states, popular vote was Trump. I guess you want California to rule the other 49 states? Go there if you want to be ruled by Californians.

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I saw him last night saying he wants to add about 6 justices to the supreme court. Wow, that is ridiculous, like FDR attempted to do. Crazy, and some liberals support him in doing that. Maybe the Senate should pass a law against packing the court and challenge Democrats to vote for it. If they don’t support it, it is crazy.

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If you go to youtube, just do a search for ‘Creepy Joe Biden’, tells me it doesn’t show hints of pedophilia. It show he is strange, and it makes me sick.

No…he isn’t anywhere near smart enough.

Sure man- that’s why we hear you criticize Trump for things you disagree with him all the time…

I was a California Dog Town skateboard shredder in the late 70’s, let me tell you Obeto’s no skateboarder at all,
coasting back n forth on a skateboard on a smooth stage can be done by a dog, if fact, there’s this bulldog that does way better then Obeto did, look on you-tube, the dog shreds, in fact, I’d love to see the two of them split screened, lmao!

If they passed such a law it would be revoked as soon as Democrats took the Presidency and the Senate as well as the House… No, they wouldn’t need 60 votes, they would use the “nuclear option” again. After all, they invented it.
Can you imagine the outrage among Democrats supporting adding additional supreme court seats if the Republicans had done this when they had the House, Senate and Presidency?

Then that needs to be something that Republican Senate & House candidates, as well as the President, needs to run on, about them possibly packing the court. I’m mad as heck that McConnell didn’t want to use the nuclear option to get the funding for the wall funding before the house was turned over. That led to the whole shut down, and all the grief that happened. I’m sure a good part of the Democrats would support the packing of the US Supreme Court to get it totally taken over, but I think it would be a losing issue with the general electorate, and would really get the vote out for Republicans to oppose that. .

A young progressive pro-gun-control pro-choice punk rock democrat lost by 2.5 points. In Texas. Let that sink in.

I have numerous times. You just refuse to acknowledge it when I do.

You also refuse to acknowledge that Hillary lost because she was such a poor candidate, not because Trump was a good one.

I’m sure he would be all for Trump adding six more Justices. :wink:

That disqualifies him as much as his “tear down the wall” stance. He is obviously too stupid.

He should have won. Cruz is a very unpopular senator. Beto ran an incompetent campaign. Nothing but feel good platitudes- ‘follow your dreams’, ‘you can be anything you want to be’. Nothing but horse ■■■■■

OMG how cute, I just seen a clip of my 7 year old granddaughters bird Petree she taught how to ride a little skateboard down a long ramp, OMG Petree did way better then Obeto did, I’d like to see him go down a ramp or in a empty swimming pool like how I rode a board, lol
Man, liberals n Democrats are so gullible and willing to just give people without a clue a chance to run this country. if their not trying to take it over by illegal means like Hillary n Barry O admin along with all media outlets except Fox News, thank God for Fox News, we’d have no truth otherwise…FACT


Did you steal this directly from Chateau Heartiste? I think you did -

Very interesting.

If Beto ran an incompetent campaign, he sure made a lot of waves in addition to narrowly missing victory. Considering how much of an advantage incumbents generally have, Cruz was very lucky to win. I’ll bet he said a lot of thank you prayers on election night.

Not to mention Beto raked in a ton of money. Wonder how he’ll do if he gets the nomination?