Is AOC already corrupted?

Well it seems that our girl may have already figured out how D.C. works. Her boyfriend it appears, is receiving a government paycheck without the benefit of having a government job. Somebody asked her about this on Twitter. So naturally twitter suspended his account.

And please refrain all personal Altair judgement until after reply number 20. It would be great if we could just discuss the topic for a while first. Fair enough?

Should be easy to find out if heā€™s on staff, itā€™s public record.

It should be. His Job title should be listed as well. And he would have needed to go through an H.R. training program as well. It looks a little fishy but Iā€™m not declaring her guilty.

Now the twitter thing? Thatā€™s just bizarre. Twitter is getting paranoid.

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Canā€™t be. Sheā€™s not a career politician, sheā€™s a bartender.

Weā€™ve long needed a Washington outsider like her to drain the swamp.

Youā€™ve been Breitbarted. AOCā€™s boyfriend is not on her staff, paid or otherwise. Partners and family members of Congress are eligible to get a .gov account so that they have access to their calendars.

Ocasio-Cortezā€™ chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarti, further clarified: ā€œHeā€™s not paid. We have no volunteers in the office. Heā€™s not doing any government work. He can see her calendar just like spouses/partners/family members in other congressional office.ā€

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Can i use daily kos and DU as sources now? I wont because i actually know how to find reputable sources. Hell when i was a libertarian, i only once used as a source.

I love how @JimmyC ended the thread several posts ago, but yet still posters drift in as if the OP was in any ways valid.

I love the way AOC has all but replaced Hillary in the minds and hearts of Conservatives. It seems they need to have a woman Democrat to hate and fear.

The more they obsess the more power she will gain. She can thank Conservatives for her bright future, without them she would never be more than another face in the crowd that is the House.

18 posts now since @JimmyC ended the thread, and the righties here STILL wonā€™t acknowledge it.

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So you all liked her, and her positions, before she was ā€œcorruptā€?

AOC is in your head. Itā€™s unhealthyā€¦you should consider taking a break from her.

AOCā€™s boyfriend was also the headline story on the Fox News website briefly yesterday, not long after Trump declared an unconstitutional national emergency.

I want her to stay.

Letā€™s take a look at how much of this you got correct.

You are welcome to you own opinion on this one.

Fake news.

Actually, he didnā€™t ā€œaskā€ her. He made the statement that AOCā€™s boyfriend was put on staff and was collecting a paycheck. When AOC responded, he asked her a series of questions.

I just love that you and others think AOC can wield so much power. This statement implies that the twitter account was locked because he asked a question of her. In reality, he posted someones contact information. All he had to do was remove that post containing personal contact info in order to unlock the account.


I tried to tell him this when I said he went off half cocked saying AOC was responsible for getting the twitter account locked but he got all defensive.
I told him to check the twitter rules, he implied ā€˜ā€˜maybeā€™ā€™ he did, but he didnā€™t.
It also appears all the posts talking him to task for his failed diligence have disappeared. Iā€™ll make a copy of this post so when he flagā€™s it, Iā€™ll post it again.
He knows now the OP is a HUGE FAIL.

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Sheā€™s an idiot.

i think AOC serves a very valuable purpose. first, the more you hear people talk about her the more you can be really confident that the person is a heavy Republican Media consumer. second, the more talk we have about her here is normally a barometer about how much bad news is happening to Trump/Republicans.

you donā€™t really need to read all the threads here. just look for how many AOC threads there are and that will tell you a ton.

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How insightful. Iā€™m sure that took you a lot of mental bandwidth.

How do you think sheā€™ll spend the $3 Billion Dollars she saved New Yorkers by getting rid of amazon?

How does she have control over the $3 billion?