Is anyone surprised he’s a Republican?

Hey bud, it’s your reference, not mine.

So look up the references. If you have some evidence that contradicts the wiki entry feel free to post it and we can discuss.

Yeah, bring back the laws against miscegenation in order to preserve diversity!

Thanks again Borgia.

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so you too? You can’t stand up to a debate with other people so you post strawmen that are easy for lightweight posters such as yourself to debate?

I did not say I advocated what you say, let alone advocate for a law that enforces it.

Where’s your sense of humor, Ishmael? It is clearly a hyperbolic statement. But if you must be serious, I don’t think anyone wants to roll back the miscegenation laws.

But I am poking fun at your definition of diversity. Not sure what diversity of thought is needed to preserve bigoted thinking. What’s your angle in speaking out against those who speak out against bigotry? You feel the need to preserve that way of thinking? Should I teach my kids to be bigots as an affirmative action to ensure it’s survival or should I teach them not to be bigots?


plenty of parents want their kids to marry within a particular demographic. They arnt bigots because of that.

Of course they are. That’s literally bigotry.

If I had the energy I’d go back through this thread and count the number of people who simply said something like “Well, that’s wrong”.

You don’t know what a bigot it.

I’m not the one advocating for the separation of races.

On the old board I was called a liar and idiot and people said I must live in some isolated place for saying that there were people who advocated separation of the races, etc.

As a matter of fact, CMI gives me massive grief for describing what people around me are really like.

who is?
Your strawman?

They just want to impose their bigoted way of thinking on their kids. They want their opinion on who they should live and marry to have supremacy over the person actually doing the loving and marrying.

who was the really, really rich guy who wanted to control his family from his grave (by concocting some elaborate “will” that had hundreds of conditions)? it was massively complicated. it’s right on the tip of my tongue.

according to libs, most of the world has been and continue to be bigots

Weighing Ethnicity When Picking A Spouse : NPR

according to libs, Asian and Latinos are big on bigotry

It’s kind of sad that you just fail to understand. You seriously don’t see a difference between an individual choosing for himself who he is attracted to versus a parent telling him who he should be attracted to?

Would you be comfortable telling your kids what races you approve for them to marry?

Actually quite the opposite.

Disliking someone because they have different views is quite literally the definition of bigotry.