Is anyone else having problem logging in?

I just tell it to leave me logged in. But when I hit this snag clearing my browser cookies fixes it.

New thread

That is a new one. You may want to send gwhughes or snow a direct message to see if your user settings are appropriate.

It was in regard to Hillaryā€¦

Tried that today on the computer Iā€™m having difficulty with. Didnā€™t work.

Your Trust Level is still at ā€œmember.ā€ I think you have to post enough to achieve ā€œregularā€ level before you can create new threads. Ask a Mod.

This logging in thing is really becoming a pain. Mods, can you please get this resolved?

With the silly merit badge system on this new site, perhaps you havenā€™t earned the privilege of signing in without pain. :wink:

Speaking of the merit badges ā€¦ I see that they assign a title after everyoneā€™s name (yours says ā€œappreciatedā€) but you canā€™t see your own title. What does mine say?

Nothing after Samm. I think you need to chose one of the titles.

Question for anyone participating in this thread.

Does your phone/device/computer log you out every time you close your browser?

I ask because once Iā€™m logged on with my device, I donā€™t have to log in every time I visit this site. I never log out, but as my device isnā€™t shared, I donā€™t really need to log out.

Iā€™ve just started staying logged in. Too annoying to have the login problem.

Thatā€™s what I do. I only realized this problem when because I had a timeout from posting, because I motorcycle jumped over the line, so i logged out out of boredom and couldnā€™t get back in.

I swapped wifi networks and never logged out again.

I donā€™t log out and I still have the problem.

You pick your own, samm. Go to your settings and give yourself a title.

Okay, thanks. I figured they were assigned because after all who would chose to be known as the editor? :wink:

You jumped the line? Hard to imagine. :slight_smile: Even clearing cookies didnā€™t work for me, just trying again later, so I gave up logging out. No problems so far. Though now that Iā€™ve said thatā€¦

Donā€™t imply the holocaust mightā€™ve been not a bad thing. I mean, on retrospect I understand why I shouldnā€™t make jokes about that. My memory says that it mightā€™ve been topical, but yeahā€¦

When I experienced your problem, I switched wifi networks to get a different IP, logged in, and stayed that way. If I was on a public terminal then this would be a problem, but Iā€™m not. Donā€™t even know if Iā€™m still bugged or not.

Oooh. Yeah not a good thing to joke about, but Iā€™m sure your intentions were not bad.

My schtick is saying things that resemble something people are actually saying, but I go over the top. Sometimes WAY over the top to comedic effect, sometimes only over the top to the degree Iā€™m saying the things that theyā€™re only implying.

Anyways. Lesson learned!