Is American Common s Sense being Flushed away in the Face of Promises of Everything for Free?

Remember that guy who grazes his cattle on public land and refuses to pay… been doing it for decades and is a hero of the Right?

So… yeah…

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You don’t know what you’re talking about.


It sends tingles up the fairness/cheating moral foundation to see a guy using public land for free.

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Vomiting up media pablum.

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Dude doesn’t own land.

Dude uses land he doesn’t own for free.

Pretty simple fairness/cheating situation.

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They’re a regressive tax:

Always mocking what we don’t understand…:sunglasses:

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People with more money buy more ■■■■■ It really is just that simple.

I understand it, I just think it’s cute.

None has insulted you. You might be overthinking stuff. You are a member in good standing Jayjay.

600 billion a year defense budget, no one question it.
people want affordable healthcare HOW WILL WE PAY FOR IT.


I’m insulted.

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Lighten up a little. Smile laugh, feel good that President Trump has done so much good with so much flack from the left.

Did you even read the article? It’s from 2015, but should still be accurate. Sales taxes account for 7% of the income of the poor. 4.7% of the middle class. And less than 1% of the rich. That is the definition of a regressive tax.

Is this called righteous indignation psychodrama… Ha ha ha. You good Sneaky :smile:

Rich people don’t waste their money.
Its how they stay rich.

Its massive projection at its finest, but that’s the world we live in now.

The coal industry wouldn’t exist without government tax breaks.
The automotive industry wouldn’t exist without government tax breaks.
The U.S farming industry wouldn’t exist without government bailouts and tax breaks.

no one is building a factory in Alabama unless Alabama gives them free money.
You want to keep manufacturing jobs in America? better hand out free money to CEO’s so they don’t ship them off to China or Mexico.

No I didn’t read it, I’ve heard it a thousand times before and it’s horse ■■■■■

People with more money buy more ■■■■■ Period

Nobody is targeting the poor of anything. Guess what? They also spend a higher percentage of their income on everything else; milk, weed, CDs, phones - EVERYTHING. Why, because it’s a percentage taken out of a smaller number. So what?

Who pays the ■■■■■■■ taxes in this country? Not a percentage, not rentier, the money?

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The housing industry benefits from guaranteed mortgages.