Is America in Decline?-A Culture Wars Discussion

Why is “basis of sex” any worse than any other discriminating criteria.

If it is no longer true, why isn’t every employer hiring women first?


Not give that same power to Gov Inc.

Is it better for corps to have the power or gov? For us.

Are morality and “rights” the same thing? Is it in the Gov Inc purview to protect a morality? Establish a morality?

Better think about that one, it’s not a cup of tea question.

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Bail outs for the rich and the people in DC along with their bought and paid for media demonizing those who complained.
Obama care fanned the flames. Those who passed it ignoring the voters who said stay out of my life.

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Look another Christian hater. Why do you think the left have decided to make Christians the evil people?

Tie that knee down.

There is nothing in that post that implies hate of Christian.

I’ve asked the mods to split from 6745 down into a new thread. This has become an interesting discussion, but it’s off topic.

Children raised by stay-at-home moms and intact families were better off than most children today. Most women do not go to work today because they want to. They go to work because that is the only way the bills get paid. And the ones losing are the children and society.
The most important job in the world has always been raising the next generation and giving them guidance.

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That really isn’t an answer.

How did President Obama disenfranchise half of Americans?

He was a major figure in the Tea Party.

I was here for it.

I remember

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You are wrong. Stay at home moms were demonized. They were shamed into leaving the care of their children in the hands of strangers.


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: The house select committee on Jan 6 Pt 2

There we go.


I am not wrong. Most of the women I went to high school with wanted to go to college and have careers. Most of them have succeeded in life.


At the expense of their families because a bunch of loser women told them that being a stay-at-home mom was something to be ashamed of.

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Radical feminism has done a lot of damage in a lot of places.


Who said it was?

Another way things are better in America is, companies are also no longer allowed to discriminate on the basis of race or disabilities that don’t affect job performance.

How does stripping the government of power result in corps having less power?