Ireland would need to cull up to 1.3 million cattle to reach climate targets

I used to be afraid of roosters when I was a kid, then I met hogs. May have also been some ill advised rock throwing at large hornet nests in North Carolina. Not a good idea if you are wondering.


:+1: :rofl:

Hmm maybe I should haVe title this thread
“Ireland would need to viciously murder up to 1.3 million cattle to reach climate targets”

My Granddad had a mean rooster. It flogged me one day and brought blood with those spurs.

It made the mistake of jumping on my Granddad’s back and flogging him one day.

They had him for supper that night. :grinning:


Oooh sick burn.

Never been chased by a rooster, but I did have a run in with a particularly nasty goose my great aunt had when I was kid.

Birds can be real SOBs in general.


Horrible idea lol.

I was weedeating my grandmother’s Azalea bushes one time and didn’t see a huge hornet’s nest right underneath of the bigger bushes.

Needless to say the renters next door saw me move like Usaine Bolt that day lol. And I learned that a hornet sting is among the absolute worst pains you can ever experience.

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Leftism leads to killing cows. That’s how kooky they have become.


Probably has something to do with the fact that they are therapod dinosaurs. :smile:

Evolutionary cousins to this guy.



…and all of it…ALL OF IT…is a total farse and waste of time because neither China or India are on board.

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I want to see the video of an Irish cattleman or dairy farmer being told he has to kill a percentage of his herd because they fart too much. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


We have Muscovy ducks ( invasive to south Florida) that hang around the lake behind the house. The wife feeds them. I find them to be ungrateful and selfish bastards.


I say cut lose all 1.3 million cattle,
arm up a bunch of Irishmen with AR-15s and make it cattle hunting season!!

Like I said above….what do lefties have against cows.

I thought woke left wingers loved animals….

You start eliminating the reason for very expensive to maintain species of domesticated animals to exist and they are liable to cease to exist.

the left has been killing farmers from the beginning



When teeth cast shadows.

Like most lefties, they have no sense of humor.


OR, and give this some thought, that’s not very funny. Also unoriginal- as old as the hills.

There are two kinds of people: those who think the tramp freighter SS Politician sank while carrying booze and money is funny and those who don’t.

People eating tasty animals is similar.

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That’s exactly it. A response designed to shut Lib Karens up. It’s more effective than MYOB!