Iran Shoots Down US Drone

the benenfit of not benefitting from a stupid deal that they would have obviously ignored aftet sending them billions

I agree with you the drone did its job and getting bent out of shape about the loss of an unmanned aircraft is not worth it. The US didn’t go to war when Gary Powers was downed, nor when the US lost a U2 along with the pilot over Cuba during the missile crisis.

The “others” aren’t ginning up for war against them because “this is 'murica’s Century” or some similar such neocon ■■■■■■■■■

Funny how one of the reasons you voted for Trump was to defeat the neocons, of whom Hillary was their head cheerleader.

Now the neocons are ascending into power in Trump’s administration and you’re beating the war drums for them.

Trump supporters, you in with fat donald sending American troops to Iran?

Let’s just hope this isn’t our Sarajevo 1914 moment.

Because you know what happens to countries with inept leaders who keep pursuing foreign adventure after foreign adventure?

They get smacked in the nose when they least expect it.


Why would they? They would be viewed by the larger coalition of countries in teh deal as provoking and breaking the deal, and would suffer retribution from teh entire coalition.

Instead, they are provoking a country that broke a deal with them, and can do so without fear of further retribution form the coalition, because we are no longer part of that group.


Relax Hillary lost. :+1:

So of course sending 1,000 troops into potential harm’s way was an excellent idea…

I have no problem protecting our interests in the region. I also don’t have a problem with us bombing the ■■■■ out of them and forcing a regime change, but a drone shot out of the sky isn’t the straw that broke the camels back, IMO. They’re evil bastards, always have been and probably always will be. Some time down the road, we’ll probably be at war with them. The question is, is now that time? No. Not quite.

This is what fat donald saw on Fox & Friends this morning.

It’s like they’re throwing a party.

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"Murica, ■■■■ yeah!


All that for flaming tankers, downed drones, and quadrupled uranium production?


I don’t think Iran would want us to attack despite all those things you mentioned. They have much to lose in an event of war. Imagine if we bombed Kharg Island where nearly all of their crude oil exports go through, f.e. It would take an enormous amount of time and effort for their economy to recover.

They’re so subtle with their messaging. :rofl:

Can you seriously use the term regime change after the last two decades? Is that even a thing anymore?

Breaking our foot off in Khamenei and the Imams’ asses has a better ring to it, I’ll admit. What’s wrong with regime change? Would you rather they stay in power after the dust settles, or do you think they will by virtue of winning this hypothetical (so far) war?

Iraq, part deux. This is going to end well.

Refreshing to see that Liberal Interventionism is back in fashion again.