Iowa Passes Make Sense Legislation

Trans kids are already in sports and no one minds. Who gives you your script?

There is a lot of confusion among the psychotic dyswoke like Xiden’s SC pick, as to what a girl and a woman are. Many think that having feminine feelings and interests qualifies a male as a legal real woman/girl and are foolishly expecting them to be allowed all the privileges of real females, including entry into female sporting events.

This law is straightening out this WIDESPREAD error.

They are allowed to. Boys can find a boy’s team or a co-ed team. If a boy wants to join a girls team because of feelings , he is not suited to sports/competition. He should join an interpretive dance troupe.

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Great, glad you support co-ed teams.

If a boy wants to join a girls team because of feelings , he is not suited to sports/competition.

There are no feelings in sports/competition?

Yes, there are. But appeasing feelings is not the primary concern.

Why wouldn’t I? As long as they are voluntarily organized and joined and are not forced by banning single sex teams and leagues.

Then you won’t mind if transgender women play in women’s sports since appeasing the other player’s feelings is not the primary concern. :wink:

Who said anything about banning or forcing?

Biological males who are transgender are not females, so should no more play in women’s/ girls’ competitions than should men/boys with two different colored eyes.

I did. You just quoted me.

Tell me more about your feelings.

No. I’ll stick to stating facts.

No, I don’t mind biological females who are transgender playing in women’s sports. That’s where they should be.

How is that a fact? It’s clearly an opinion.

Just look at the male swimmer making a mockery of women’s college swimming. :roll_eyes:

Are you having fun with your glitchy babblefish?


Just as I thought—all this attention paid to transgender and various rights is espoused by and for a tiny minority of individuals.

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Leslie Feinberg, transgender Marxist activist mlee, knew what he was doing when he gave himself the nomenclature “transgender woman”. It was an inversion of grammar designed to subvert social norms and subconsciously programme weak minds into thinking of transgender men as essentially women, in the same way we intuitively think of wolf spiders as essentially spiders; dog kennels as essentially kennels; and kennel dogs as essentially dogs.

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Are we going to start cutting limbs off the people who have body integrity dysphoria next?

Is that what she said she did it for, or your colored interpretation? I found this on Wikipedia which seems to show the way she defined it doesn’t even match how its used contemporarily: