Iowa Passes Make Sense Legislation

Why do you keep beating this drum? They didn’t pass it to stop him, they passed it to stop the potential flood if those fake girls who inevitably would follow and squeeze actual girls right out of sports.

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They passed it on the fear that trans kids are going to be in sports.

Turns out… they got her.

They got the one.

Good Job guys.

Like what?

You don’t know that. You’re making it up to make your position sound valid.

What about paraplegic kids. Should a paraplegic boy be allowed to take to the hockey pitch in a wheelchair to play in a girls’ field hockey team?

Nope it is rare.

It is why Gov Cox of Utah vetoed a trans sport ban.

He found that out of 75,000 students there were four trans kids playing sports… one of those kids is trans female playing girls sports.

The GOP overrode that veto all to keep four kids… one of them in girls sports from playing sports.

As he wrote in his veto letter

“Four kids and only one of them playing girls sports. That’s what all of this is about. Four kids
who aren’t dominating or winning trophies or taking scholarships. Four kids who are just trying
to find some friends and feel like they are a part of something. Four kids trying to get through
each day. Rarely has so much fear and anger been directed at so few. I don’t understand what
they are going through or why they feel the way they do. But I want them to live. And all the research shows that even a little acceptance and connection can reduce suicidality significantly.”

All of this is a moral panic culture war ■■■■■■■■■

It’s rare today, and it will remain rare in Iowa thanks to their vigilant and persistent legislature, but it will become much less rare if other States don’t follow suit. The camels are snooping around the tents.

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Oh no… it might double and there will be 8 kids.

Moral panic

It’s hilarious that conservatives think trans kids will spontaneously appear and decide to play sports :rofl:

There are over 100k student athletes in Kentucky high schools.

If there were 200 trans athletes, that would mean they make of .0002% of all HS athletes JUST in Kentucky.

Right now they spent tax payer dollars to go after .000001%.


Why should a boy who’s trans get a pass to play on a girls’ team, but not a boy who is an amputee? Or a boy who is a paraplegic? Or a boy who has two different colored eyes?

It’s no doubt hilarious that conservatives think that to run games fairly, rules should be kept to, whereas you think rules should not apply if they result in someone’s feelings being hurt.

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Missing limbs or being paralyzed physically make it difficult to play the game… having a male genitalia does not.

But he really wants to play field hockey. What difference does it make if it’s difficult. He’s keen. That’s his choice, right?

What about the boy with two different-colored eyes? He wants to play on a girls’ team. Surely an exception for him won’t create a flood of boys with different-colored eyes wanting to play sport.

Laugh it up. Pretending that trans girls playing on girl’s teams and in girl’s divisions of individual sports is not an up-and-coming thing just makes you look ignorant.

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It’s your ilk that emphasizes how common trans gender people are. Do you think few of them are athletically inclined or something? Why wouldn’t they be interested in participating in organized sports than cis boys and girls?

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So which is it? Are trans kids an extreme rarity (contrary to the prog assertion that they are common) or are they (for some reason I’m sure you can explain) almost all disinclined to participate in sports or talentless athletically and can’t qualify to make it in competitive sports? You can’t have it both ways …

What’s the current policy?

What about the boy with two different-colored eyes? He wants to play on a girls’ team. Surely an exception for him won’t create a flood of boys with different-colored eyes wanting to play sport.

If there are enough boys, then they could create a boys team regardless of eye color. Otherwise it should be co-ed.

So, you think the whole field hockey league should become co-ed because one school cannot field a full team of boys or a full team of girls?

How about the kids who want to play get off their backsides and find the requisite players of the correct sex? Or move to a school that has enough players? Or learn to cope with disappointment and find a different sport or hobby.

If boys want to play field hockey, shouldn’t they be allowed to?

Maybe they have?

Or move to a school that has enough players?

And leave all their friends?

Or learn to cope with disappointment and find a different sport or hobby.

A classic.