Introduction Thread, Welcome New Posters!

informed ahead of time, she would be fine. you on the other hand :man_shrugging:


Why wouldn’t I be fine?



I suspected it might be, but I always take the police seriously.


I’m back.

Let the welcoming back begin.

Hey Purp?

Can we still message each other here on the forum?

If “yes” can you tell me how, please?

I’m a Conservative from mASSachusetts in pond full of bleeding heart Liberals, Rhinos, and now Progressives. Yes, we Conservatives, though a minority, do exist in this state. Our hotels are now filled with illegal immigrants as the state faces a deficit with no help from the Federal Government and leaving the financial burden to the tax payers. It is expensive enough to live here. Our brilliant Governor Healy is pondering the idea of cutting funds to fire departments and other municipalities. Great idea…not! We now have additional gun laws that do nothing to reduce gun crimes and only effects private gun owners. In this bill the mASSachusetts House has created their own version of an assault rifle. Funny, the Feds can’t even agree on the definition of assault rifle. The politicians sling the BS that because of it’s gun laws, the state has one of the lowest crime rates in the country. I could go on and on but have finally had enough of the politics and ideologies in this state. Going to do Hannity thing and get the hell out of Dodge. To many sheep here that keep voting the same type of politicians into office every election.


Read the Rules of the Forum in the Community Feedback sub-forum and have fun. See you in the threads. :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:

Welcome to the board.