Intentional vandalism knocked out multiple substations in Moore County, 38,000 people without power

Someone mentioned that at lunch today, that the shots may have been made from a long way off. There are still many cameras all around, even on peoples’ houses aimed at the streets. Since it’s being reported that the shots were fired at exactly 7:00 pm, coinciding with what was to be the start of the drag queen show, again I’d guess that the vehicles used are on someone’s film?

You can triangulate a close location if you have a few timestamped audio recordings but the shooter may be mobile. My question is, is it someone trying to knock out the power or someone who just likes to shoot transformers because they go boom? My money is on a rube with a new 50 cal doing long shots.

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Must be tough to be a regular old crook these days, you should see how fast people on the nextdoor app track down people, everyone who has anything to protect has cameras these days. Also how we found out we now have large coyotes in SW Ohio.

It is now manslaughter at minimum if the perpetrators are caught.

A person has been found dead of exposure in a house without power.

I still believe it is radical environmentalists


Fits their MO to a tee.


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Could be the new move of terrorism?

But where are their demands? Its getting pretty light coverage so they are not exactly getting their point across.

My money is on copycats. Either idiots who individually think they are striking a blow or just young people vandalizing for kicks.

No. Coincidence.

When are there ever demands? Terrorism is about trying to strike fear and or cripple the US. Attacking water supplies and energy are the kinds of things mentioned regarding targets of terrorists.

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You’re joking?

Demands have been made.

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But no one is fearful and its certainly not crippling the US more of an inconvenience

Terrorism uses violence etc to promote and demand change. There is no overarching coherent message from these attacks.

There is no evidence for that.

Not even circumstantial evidence.

There’s literally nothing.

That demands have been made? Balderdash!

The demands are clear. And stupid.

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If we’re going to speculate, I’d start with the political faction that got disappointed in an election right before the first incidents were carried out with firearms.

Why? Because gUnS?

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And the recent history of violence. The right wing on this continent forgot how to take an L peacefully. J6, and the clown parade in Brazil are at least on the same side of the ocean.

If we’re going to speculate.

The 2nd one in Washington had gUnS?

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