Intentional vandalism knocked out multiple substations in Moore County, 38,000 people without power

Moore County is located just west of Fort Liberty.

Vandals targeting electrical substations knocked out power to slightly over 1/3rd of the residents of the county. Criminal investigation is still in its very earliest stages.

Duke Energy is the provider for most of those effected, with a smaller number belonging to an electric cooperative.

Kind of demonstrates how trivially easy it is very somebody to really ■■■■ things up if they want to.

This is actually pretty scary. An growing and embolden criminal element can absolutely destroy the fabric of any society.

Hard to say, what was the motive? Senseless vandalism? To knock out the power? Theft of copper or something?

No motives have been established, but it does not appear to be theft or attempted theft, but rather a deliberate attempt to knock out power.

Unfortunately, our infrastructure is real soft in that regard.

This local lady who had to resign her Army commission due to being investigated for her participation in Jan 6 seems to have some ideas.

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Wonder if there’s any video surveillance at any the locations hit?

None that I have hear of yet.

However, it has been determined that the damage was caused by gunfire.

There isn’t going to be video evidence at a (or multiple) substations.

The video in the OP suggested it might be due to a drag show that people didn’t want to take place. But no evidence to substantiate that.

An anti drag show power attack? Well I guess I have heard of weirder things.

Mmmmmm. “Vandalism”?

Moore County is in the heart of the Special Forces training area.

LOL, I’ve heard of weirder things too, but it’s usually fiction.

With all of the cameras out there, I can’t believe the perps weren’t filmed, will be identified and prosecuted as terrorists?

Back on topic please.

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That it is. I used to work at a Moore Co tower site back in the day.

Patrols would come out of the woods into the clearing for the tower site all the time.


Cameras can only do so much. And that’s if they’re not just there as a visual deterrent. They don’t give you the names of people. Mask up, like everyone wants you to do, and a camera is useless.

They’re demonstrating how vulnerable the grid is. Perhaps a probing operation? Maybe some of Ol Folksy Joe’s illegal invading “got aways” are starting to organize? Or maybe some drunk good Ol boys pissed at the power company?

On top of that, the damage was caused by gunfire which can be inflicted from a long ways, meaning that cameras would be doubly useless.