Intel Community changed Whistle Blower Rules

That is ridiculous. Nobody is showing love for the CIA

If I had to guess, it’s because Trump wanted whistleblowers who would expose the deep state or whatever stupid thing.

Oh so it was just another desperate lie.


So arguing that we shouldn’t even know about it.

Got ya.

So you want the identity of whistleblowers to be made public knowledge? Wow. I’m just loving how y’all are outing yourselves.


They aren’t fooled, they don’t care.


Got to enjoy all the fumbling in the dark with none of the allegations coming up to a fraction of veracity compared to what Biden’s son got away with…before he didn’t.

I did not think I would enjoy this plot line, however I am beginning to see the fun ahead.


No, I’m arguing the dems didn’t think Trump would release them. I’m for open govt. The CIA and intel community classify way too much stuff.

Exactly what did Biden’s son get away with?

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He didn’t release the transcript. He released a summary of the transcript.

We never got the actual transcript of the call in question. Just the parts of it Trump was OK with us seeing.

So we do know about it and it is not good for the President.

Why all of this nonsense about the whistle blower?

You or anyone has yet to prove that!

Don’t worry the Horowitz report will be more painful to them then you can imagine.

and the form new form was not released for use until recently…

" The internal properties of the newly revised “Disclosure of Urgent Concern” form, which the intelligence community inspector general (ICIG) requires to be submitted under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act (ICWPA), show that the document was uploaded on September 24, 2019, at 4:25 p.m., just days before the anti-Trump complaint was declassified and released to the public. The markings on the document state that it was revised in August 2019, but no specific date of revision is disclosed."

Only a matter of time.

Christine Blase Ford came forth…So to shall our whistling pseudo-spy.

Reward being offered by the tabloids is already over six figures…for information on the whereabouts of the Trump accuser.

You know “face your accuser” and all that charming nonsense.


Comey says “hey.”

The transcript shows no wrong doing or law breaking…

Neither of which classified the transcript.

Lies, hearsay, scuttlebutt is not evidence!

So it is a new form.

Was the policy changed?