Inside the building, he told rioters that “We got to get this s— burned,” and “it’s our house m------------,” according to an affidavit signed by FBI Special Agent Matthew Foulger.
No, the ones who took over the capitol building with aluminum flag poles and caused such terror they police panicked and shot one of them in the neck. You know, the seditious Raiders of the Temple of 'Mocracy.
You can’t have it both ways. Last week they were terrorists incited by a madman.
Plants? No. Was there a BLM guy there encouraging violence? By his own admission yes. He is a professional agitator. Did he start the insurrection? No. Did he did what he could to make it worse? Yes.
What I said? What you (c) said. I can see the adrenaline of the terror is wearing off. Yesterday and 25,000 NG troops no doubt helped with that.
It is a little scary to realize a couple hundred unarmed yahoo rednecks with no plan can take over the capitol building while the Ruling Class is in session. Probably instigated by 10 or so.
Even more concerning is that the incident gave the Ruling Class just the excuse it needs to take action.
They busted several myths, took away the consent of the governed for an hour or so. It scared the hell out of The Untouchables. And now their keyboard warriors again two weeks later?
You know the really scary part? There were people watching. And they learned things.