Insurrection! Sedition! Oh My!

It was conservatives…

A century ago says hi back.

This has been debunked over and over again.

His sayings do carry on with his followers however.


Next time antifa tries to invade the US capitol let the forum know.


Not surprising you don’t remember the Kavenaugh hearings.

“By Thursday afternoon, Capitol Police began arresting hundreds of protesters inside the Hart Senate Office Building who raised their fists and loudly started chanting “Kavanaugh has got to go.”


Don Quixote was a sore loser.

The rest of your scribe is a fictional ending to poor Congressional security.

This is a huge problem for Biden.

If he cracks down hard…as he should…the political motivation of the 2020 governors will be even more clear and the shock troops will be betrayed and rendered impotent for future operations.

If Biden does NOT come down forcefully…after his show pony NG inauguration. Biden will look weak and passive and the shock troops will grow and be uncontrollable without live fire like Ashlee Babbitt got.

It’s a big problem and the media seem to like the show.


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The way things are going and being fueled by the MSM and the political establishment, they may very well incite a real insurrection and if they do, I doubt it will go the way they want?

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They still abuse minorities. Nothing changed. They keep them poor.

No, it has not.

The republicans freed the slaves FROM the democrats, then the democrats formed the KKK


They was the ones first in.

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Keyboard ma at the ready

Stay consistent, have we forgotten the very serious and most dangerous insurrection already?

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Funny how only trumpers got arrested.


Not accurate, here, have a disinformation sticker.


Going after the lightly defended media first isn’t a bad plan.


Okay link, please.


You spelled right wing conservative incorrectly.


Slave ownership grew out of the agrarian conservatism that had as its root Jeffersonian philosophy.

John Earle Sullivan was arrested as one of the people who had breached the capital, he had previously been arrested in Salt Lake City Utah at a Black Lives Matter protest where he professed being a member of BLM. There is no mention of Antifa or BLM rioters from any MSM, and any voices that seem to profess it are almost immediately silenced by big tech.

…of course, then you have posters here that say he was never a member of BLM.

BLM Utah leader disavows left-wing Capitol activist John Sullivan: ‘He has never been a member’

…and yet, he was.

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