Insurrection! Sedition! Oh My!

I see them shifting from terrified to outraged. Very common among people used to having their way.

You scared me and now everybody has to pay.

Watch the females.


Respectfully, I disagree.

I don’t think that’s clear. I think perhaps it will soon be evident that some protest targets are more acceptable than others.

I think the Ruling Class truly believes in the dogma that DC is hallowed ground and that the building the Congress meets in is a temple.

It would be interesting to see the response to a “right” riot someplace else.

They may not care if Portland or Seattle burn to the ground. Or whatever the right’s equivalent is.

To the Ruling Class, 1/6 was equivalent to desecrating the Vatican.


Point taken, may just be the new rules only don’t apply when they are the ones in danger. But then, nobody got shot when the Senate Hart building was occupied, at least twice, by the left.


Fair point. I have no doubt there is a difference, we can call it equity.

When the left does it, it’s a grievance protest that got out of hand.

When it’s the right, it’s fascism.

This difference is of course the result of years of propaganda and the need to balance. If there is A on the left, there must be a corresponding B on the right. It has to be either/or.

Fascism can’t be on both sides of the equation.

I believe it also has to do with the evolution of the word 'liberal" and how it is currently used.

Fascism is seen as the polar opposite of liberalism and “liberals” are seen as liberals. Therefore anybody painted as fascists is good, anybody calling themselves “liberals” is bad. No matter what they actually do.

It goes back to WWII, if not further.

Not just other federal building like Hart Senate office building.

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Actually the odds are good it won’t go the way you’re either expecting or wanting if recent history is any guide.

And white libs will define racism for Blacks to be offended.


No? Did you miss democrats crapping themselves when they figured out how many trump supporters were in the NG and police?


Insurrection? Call out the National Guard? Get the FBI to arrest people? Deplatform anyone who has ever supported group?

I doubt anything like that will happen in response to the attack since the attacks were dressed in black and spray painted Antifa symbols.

What would happen if they same people repeat a similar attack while wearing MAGA hats?


You know that far leftists don’t like the Democrats… Right?

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Which is weird because we know Biden is a flaming Soshulist.

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Think about it for a minute…but you have to want it.


Remember last week’s fake news out of the FBI. Right wingers going to attack all the capitals? Just like Russian Collusion. We need to change the name to the FPI.

The Federal Propaganda Institute…


They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Just like the MAGA hat wearing extremists that rioted in the Capitol building.

So far there have been at least 8 arrests with more planned as more information comes in.

And a link to the story is on the front page of CNN.

So sounds like this prediction is dead on arrival.

Yes. Antifa violently oppose anyone who supports capitalism in any form. Even Bernie is a fascist in their book.

On the other hand, Democrats have been supporting Antifa and protecting Antifa. For example, the governor of Oregon refused call out the National Guard to end nightly violence in Portland and labeled federal agents as an “occupying force”.


There were rallies planned at all state capitals…but right wingers talked themselves out of going because they were convinced online these were Antifa False Flags to entrap them.

I can show you some of the social media posts if you’re interested.

Not all of the protestors in Oregon are Antifa