Inner city thugs are actually rednecks

In 1880, black people were freed and white people were afraid of their culture? So they implemented black codes because of culture.

If that is your position, it’s an interesting one since black people had their culture stripped and it was replaced with the white people culture that enslaved them.

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But it was actually White southern culture.

Of course not but I’m simply going with the laws of probability

But the implementation of black codes, Jim Crow and slavery was based on skin color. Soon after, skin color was used to justify all sort of superiority (black people have smaller brains, they are born this way, etc)

Appalachia was originally made up of Scotch Irish. This is not where most slaves and very few blacks lived.
In fact, most Appalachia counties voted against succession.

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Are you saying there is no difference between black and white cultures today? If there is, how did they end up different if blacks had their culture stripped and adopted the culture of the whites?

No, they implemented them to keep yankee culture from gaining hegemony.

Now you went too far. It wasn’t “stripped and replaced”, that doesn’t work. They adapted what they needed to survive.

And now? Does the black nation still have that white slaver culture?

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We’re not allowed to discuss black culture.

Newly Freed slaves knew nothing of yankee culture. They were freed in the confederacy.

It absolutely was stripped. Starting with their names. Then tore families apart. Then implemented Christianity.

Black nation has roots in a culture forced on then by white slavers.

Who’s not allowed?

Maybe? describe white culture.

Well black folks are the arbiter of what is hip in America, in virtually every part of pop culture, though I doubt that’s what you meant.

Even the two words you guys use more than anything now-woke and canceled-was appropriated from Black Twitter. Woke was just a goodbye your uncle who grew up in the seventies siad to you-“stay woke young man”-and cancelled is from the Shade Room and literally just refers to realty TV stars acting really horrible, i.e. “ooh girl she’s canceled after what she did.”


Once upon a time, there were Frenchmen who said things like, “Let’s go kill those damn Protestant Brits!” while Brits said things like, “Let’s go kill those damn Catholic French!”

Some “intellectuals” of the time insisted that if religion was taken out of the equation, the death would stop.

After things became more secular, it evolved into simply, “Let’s go kill those damn Brits!” and, “Let’s go kill those damn French!”

Excuses also change over time. There always has to be a new enemy. It’s cyclic, and it’s how the ebb and flow of the mob is contained.

A good example is the fact that far more whites were lynched in the south than blacks, but only before the Civil War.


I’m so glad we have you to teach us about life in the hood. :sweat_smile:


What about “black” goldfish

I had a black goldfish once! Named him after a baseball player on the Milwaukee Brewers in the 90’s. Can’t remember the dude’s name for the life of me now. :rofl:

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Is it intentional I wonder?

Not possible. Oh they tried. Not possible. That’s not how culture works.

One cannot “force” a culture.

Does the black nation still have it?

Anybody but black people. We, the not black people, including black conservatives.

Describe “black” culture.

“Woke” is AAVE for an awakened critical consciousness. Appropriated from white Marxists.