Infrastructure Bill

women work? amendments are changeable according to comrade biden… get rid of 19


Sure, sure, sure, we can add or subtract any amendment, it’s right there in the constitution how to do it.

How do we pay for the smaller infrastructure bill my conservative friends will agree we need?

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Add to that


Won’t work. Go look at a table listing government revenue as a percent of gdp. You will see very little variation in the percent actually collected regardless of where rates are set. Outside of WW2 at any rate.

by cutting other spending and cutting foreign bribes


Then we never fix anything? How else do we pay for it?

Cutting some spending where we don’t need it is a good idea.

All foreign aid? Or only some? If we cut only some of it, who decides and what criteria should we use?

Where else should we cut?

I like increased internet for rural and urban gaps.

I like replacing lead pipes.

I am good with a smaller investment in electric vehicle charge stations.

Most projects are initiated locally to prioritize need. Many are already budgeted.

Pay for it with surcharge on electric use…even if you generate…you still use the grid.

Tariff is also a good way to fund. Place one on any infrastructure related good or service.

Sounds good. I wonder how much we would need to raise rates?

I still like the cutting some spending elsewhere to pay for some of it. The problem is getting people to agree where it should be cut.

Yep, phones, cables, fiber, etc…

That is why across the board cuts are best.

We can’t get DC to cut pro rated escalators let alone actual budget cuts.

I would be OK with that, let the managers decide where to cut. But that still funds some lame and/or bad projects that need to be cut or eliminated.

What are you saying, that would even put a dent in unemployment among women?

I have owned a hwy construction business for over 25 years. I have stood on more hwys all day than I care to count. If I can do the work any woman can. Are you one of those people who think women need to stay in their lane?

Don’t be ridiculous. It’s just a fact that construction jobs are overwhelmingly taken by men. Create a million construction jobs and 950,000 of them will be filled by men.

It follows that creating jobs for men doesn’t do much for unemployment among women. If creating jobs to stimulate the economy is the goal, my above points should be taken into consideration at the highest levels.

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Public transportation
Electric grids

1.2 trillion in the bill is direct funding for infrastructure.

Then it’s filled with pork and it’s not enough.

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That’s why they negotiate.

Oh… here I was thinking this was about infrastructure, not another ARRA.