What did Trump say as he was signing the bills?
Make sure my name is on the check?
Lol no he didn’t do this at all.
I remember when Jimmy Carter did that in the '70s. And then he complained about people not spending enough money to keep the economy going.
Maybe he can find some guy who wears a dress and uses made up pronouns like Mx to replace her.

A biden hiree said something we said last year!! How dare that elisitist lib!!?!!!
Does that mean she was against the stimulus?
No it means she said what’s been since the stimmies. The issues is the source but issue is being made with the actual quote…. Which is of course predictable but silly nevertheless
I’m confused. She says the stimulus caused inflation, but was for the stimulus checks? Shouldn’t she have seen inflation coming before they gave away free money and then try to stop them? What good is pointing out the obvious now that anyone can see it?
She didn’t blame the stimmies directly. Though she can’t blame the populace without including the stimmies.
She didn’t give money away. She has zero power to give money away.
She is an advisor to the President. She could have advised him that the stimulus give-aways would be inflationary. Pretty much every conservative on this forum was screaming that at the time they were proposed … going all the way back to the first one under Trump.

You guys spent a year blaming stimmies for inflation
. Now somebody else says it
Bad bad bad!
Not bad because she said it, bad because she’s just now realizing it. Presidential advisors are supposed to be predictive experts, not hindsight experts.
Open back up. Let kids go to school. Buy a boat.
It’s exactly what was done in Florida. Locked down the nursing homes and reopened. Received a fair amount of criticism for doing so. Georgia too.
This would be provable. Go ahead. May 2020 or June 2020. Let’s see these “it’s going to be inflationary” screams.

It’s exactly what was done in Florida. Locked down the nursing homes and reopened. Received a fair amount of criticism for doing so. Georgia too.
When? When was this done?

It’s exactly what was done in Florida. Locked down the nursing homes and reopened. Received a fair amount of criticism for doing so. Georgia too.
When? When was this done?
I don’t recall a single mention of inflation during the shut down stimulus. It was all “takers” and nanny state boilerplate.
Of course you don’t …

Of course you don’t …
I could be wrong.
But I doubt it. I think it’s conservative retconning.
I don’t.

It’s exactly what was done in Florida. Locked down the nursing homes and reopened. Received a fair amount of criticism for doing so. Georgia too.
When? When was this done?
I don’t recall a single mention of inflation during the shut down stimulus. It was all “takers” and nanny state boilerplate.
The stimulus will just end up making the currency devalued & possibly cause inflation out of control, making it all worse.
I’m not getting a cent from the government. The ONE time check many got won’t keep them going for the months they are out of work, & it won’t help all the small business owners who lost everything. I lost my business. It’s gone. It’s easy for those who have nothing to lose to ignore all the losses. The stimulus will just end up making the currency devalued & possibly cause inflation out of control, making it all worse. Then there will be mass death. But hey, as long as it hurts Trump.
Well done! You could give ol’ Samm some lessons.
Nah, I just remember it was a concern.