
“Deplorable”: code word for anything not-we

Nice! Like…We the People…


That’s not a good thing.

No, I meant deplorable as in folks who are anti GLBT or are race realists, for example.

What’s this?

Did you try binging it on Google?

Owe, you mean LGBT. I was confused because you said it wrong.

Do you and your Democrat friends normally always use Google?
I guess that would explain a lot why you vote Democrat then.

I still don’t vote Democrat, after constantly trying to be brainwashed by one
of the biggest Search Engines in the World(Google), that intentionally
suppresses Conservative and Free Think talk.

Venezuela is indeed socialist. In fact years back, people like Sanders lauded it, as living the American dream. Hollywood lauded it as socialist. Oil industry - Nationlized, means of energy controlled by the government = socialist. Oil, the most important industry for the country used to be private, however, it got nationalized. Instituion of minimum wage. National Health Care = socialist. 100,000 cooperatives as of 2007, which employed 700,000 workers. Those coops went into the hands of political cronies. Chavez nationalized the cement industry; Hugo Chavez Nationalizes Cement Industry - CBS News

The late Venezuelan president, said Britain’s Jeremy Corbyn, “showed us there is a different and a better way of doing things. It’s called socialism, it’s called social justice, and it’s something that Venezuela has made a big step toward.” Noam Chomsky was similarly enthusiastic when he praised Chávez in 2009. “What’s so exciting about at last visiting Venezuela,” the linguist said, is that “I can see how a better world is being created and can speak to the person who’s inspired it.”

Nationalizations - telecommunications, Verizon used to exist there, got taken over. Nationlization of agriculture. Nationalization of glass industry. Gold industry nationalized. Nationalized steel industry. Seized private run locations and made them the basis for the tourism of industry. Nationalized largest steel mil. Nationalized Health care in 1999 shortly after Chavez was elected. It is socialist. This is the consequences of socialism par excellence. Ironic thing, people trying to refer to countries like Sweden, they have not gone into the tank, is because Sweden actually privatized industries like energy, oil away from Nationalization. Chavez also started with and Maduro introduced massive government spending with huge promises for people. sounds a little bit like US Democratic presidential candidates. Venezuela is indeed socialist. Maybe they haven’t nationalized every single industry but the fact that they have nationalized so much indeed points to socialism, and they are experiencing the results of it. To deny this is not being honest.

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Do you mean really safe for hackers, that destroy people lives? lol.

Democrat Politicians in Washington, let people pretend that they have a voice, and
let people pretend that they have Individualism and are unique, but they don’t really
care at all, and it’s all Political. Just look at the MeToo Movement?
It has been exposed for what most far left radical activist groups really are. Simply organizations funded by evil far Left Wing Socialists like George Soros, Google, Facebook, and Jeffrey Buzz Buzz Bezzos.

I wonder if the “Average American” can afford Hillary Clintons 500-1,000 per plate dinners? Those darn 1 percenters!! We need to get more Democrat Politicians caught on Camera, that way they can be exposed for what, and who they really are!!! lol.

Do Black Lives really Matter to Democrat Politicians? I don’t think so. Look at Chicago, and how Democrat Politicians treat African Americans not the same on an Intellectual level, but simply throw money at them, as if they think that they can buy them off.

Well Democrat Politicians, that may have worked in the past, but if Trump teams is smart, they will continue to point out and expose the truth about you.

Then the Lord is a Deplorable … Romans 1:18-32, which I would have considered an historical rarity a decade ago is now seemingly going on everywhere.

The thing is, the passage is not about homosexuality but about casting aside the knowledge of the Lord. Homosexuality in the passage is like a canary in a coal mine. The canary dies and you know it’s past time to be escaping.

Similarly, it is a sin that is so consistently condemned in Scriptures that by the time people get to the point that they can compromise on it they’ve already cast aside a lot more before it.

So I’m not afraid of receiving condemnation from folks over any such a reason.

Homosexual acts should have always remained illegal. That society has departed from that doesn’t mean the Lord has.