
I wonder why Omar HATES and is so “DISCRIMINITORY” against Israel?

I think that she maybe making the Democratic Party look really really
Anti-Semitic, but others may see it as some what “Racist”.

Either way, it’s Discriminatory in general, and looks really bad on the Democrat Politicians part.

Now that I think about it, go Omar! Keep making them Dem Dems Politicians look
bad! lol.

There’s cable or satellite. Neither of which is free.

I didn’t think I had to add satellite. I thought that most people
would simply make that assumption, that you had to pay to get
Fox News in general.

You have to pay to watch tv at all.

Funny thing. 95 percent of the time or more, any time I go out into public,
weather it be to get food at McDonalds, or to the Doctors office, or any public
place with a television, 95 percent or more, they always have a Liberal Media
News channel on. ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN.

People tend to become like the people, places, and things they hang around, and are
constantly subjected too. The weaker the mind, the easier they will completely conform
to more and more aspect of what those channels are throwing out.

Weather it is to hate Trump, Abortion is acceptable and morally sound in this country, or anything else, weather it is immoral or not. This has been going on for over 60+ years. Starting with the Big main 3 ABC, CBS, NBC. Then got even more worse, when CNN started for cable tv.

To be a Conservative in today’s political world is to stand out from the crowd, especially within a mainly Liberal Democrat state. It means that you’re not easily brainwashed, and must have a lot of morality, and a lot more strong will, to stick
to your roots.

Especially, to not be “Politically Correct” and a Conservative Politician!!! That is one of the rarest things of all!

Maybe you can reply with another sentence or one word, and then I can write you several paragraphs back as an answer. That is why Fox News is on the rise, and Liberal Fake news in on the decline my friend. Fox News gets specific detailed answers, with morality, and facts based behind them, while their liberal opponents simply spew hate. I’m not going to lie, it does get exhausting sometimes even trying.

One word, or one sentence for most Dems on here, compared to Paragraphs written by most Conservatives, requires a lot more intellectual capacity, and logic, and smarts in general.

That’s not immoral.

How did I know this was going to happen? lol.

Typing more than just one word! Impressive! lol.

It’s sad to watch how truly Discriminatory the Democrat Politicians are in this country.

But good for me as a Conservative, because it shows their true colors.

Yeah check out Venezuela to see how their “economy” is working out for them. :roll_eyes: There is nothing to buy in the grocery stores and there is no money to order from Amazon Prime Pantry so the people have been reduced to eating Zoo animals and even their pets!

By definition the Marxist theory of Socialism is just a transitional social state between capitalism and communism. In other words the euphoria of “free stuff” socialism is just a stepping stone to the end result of misery & tyranny.

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What isn’t immoral now a day?


Yes abortion is not immoral.

Wow. I guess that about sums it folks.

Is murder not Immoral also?


It slaps God in the face also. Because it plays God, and determines who
lives and who dies! Only God is suppose to have that Power! Not Democrat
Politicians who think they’re Gods!!!

Abortion= Killing Gods creation. We’re born into sin, but the Democrat Politicians
seem to want to destroy creation, and destroy millions of innocent lives.

And since abortion is LEGAL it is not UNLAWFUL and thus not murder.

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With the rise of our own politically correct version of the Red Guards, though in a far less manly and far more cravenly form, the “individuality” I’m seeing expressed in social media is being severely limited among the most ardent young socialists.

What does it matter how someone dresses, what sort of art they like, or even if they rebel against biology to be “themselves” if their minds have been puréed with indoctrination?

You and I are fortunate to have been old enough to have escaped the fate of so many on campuses today. We were able to have thoughts that were our own and not be consumed with angst we’d be found out that we weren’t conforming. Damn if they’d not dox or try to shame me in a heartbeat (fat lot of good it would do!). How long do you think you’d last?

uuuum What? :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

So what you’re saying is, if killing someone was LEGAL, then it is not UNLAWFUL,
and thus not murder? Wow!

Folks, this is Liberal Logic! It doesn’t make any rational sense! lol.


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That’s exactly how it works.

I fail to see how your comment is relevant to mine.
Venezuela has a market based economy and a large private sector. Hardly textbook socialism. I don’t believe there was any plan for Venezuela to turn communist.
Socialism isn’t about free stuff, it’s about who owns the means if production and whether or not others should profit off your labor.

The reality is far less scary than right wing media would have you believe.
The internet is full of safe places for folks to express their opinions regardless of how deplorable they might be.

you forgot smelly Walmart people also.