Independence Day

Thanks, you too

It’s from a movie, but what part is wrong? People don’t have to like how the United States were formed. It’s not a law.

Happy 4th of july and God bless America!!


No, as long as you don’t instruct my children in a way that I disapprove of.

Not your kids.


Indeed and I believe we have thanked France twice so far, WWl and WWll, so we are ahead by one. :wink:


But that’s not what was being discussed, was it? The poster was venting his spleen about the protests planned on the fourth, and opined that they should get beaten up.

Which is to say not everthing is about you and your personal grievances. If you don’t want your delicate little chilluns exposed, don’t go to the protest.

Easy peasy.

And, and…you also might want to avoid the library on drag storytelling day

What’s that you say?

Again, so hard to acknowledge France’s contribution to our winning our independence.


Not for me, speak for yourself.

Then why keep score?

Not to worry, none of my children, or grandchildren, will be anywhere near a library that hosts ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’. I doubt many of the kids that do attend will go very far in life on the foundation they learn from that experience.

Kids that are more interested in science, mathematics, chemistry, and, especially psychology, will gladly treat those unfortunate kids that have been abused by those that have confused them.

I hope they forgive you.

I am pretty sure that most kids that go to see somebody read a story will be just fine.

However, your virtue signalling has been duly noted and catalogued.

And again, the conversation I was having was NOT about drag story hour. You dragged that crap here, not me.

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a way to acknowledge each of our contributions to each other

and now it seems people are using it to list junk they are selling. like lawn chairs, and dart boards. ugh!


Enjoy Independence Day everyone.

