In what ways do you believe this crisis will permanently alter businesses and education in America?

Blind luck from what I can tell.

I got this feeling that many big brick and mortar type buildings will continue to go by the wayside as there will be reassessments of their costs vs benefits. This will have a negative impact on many custodial and maintainence type jobs.

How do they not overwhelm The System with 180,000 cases hospitalized and yet corona does with 30k cases total?

Yes…but this doesn’t favor them and so I thought it to be true.

that’s what it feels like to me too.

But boy, I’m not sure how my business can survive this kind of shut down.

This is going to be tough. Very concerned I’m going to loose my employee base, which is so frustrating. Finally had my team exactly the way I wanted it…

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I have a pretty nice collection of puukkos but I really prefer my leuku knives. Sami knives, similar to puukkos but much larger.

Both are wilderness survival tools that can double as weapons should the need ever arise.

I brought up west Nile at the last minute because when we had an outbreak some years ago, I thought here I am minding my own business and this stupid little mosquito has the potential to give this to me.
Fast forward to present and here we are minding our own business and chinese eat some weird ■■■■ and it is now contagious.
Maybe it is optimistic to say one and done but i think sneaky says it best, we never are promised tomorrow.

BTW, Finland actually has one of the highest rates of gun ownership in the world.

Where did you see it?

I know our flu seasons have been worse and they are spiking later in the season. About right now. The last couple of years the hospitals I work for have limited visitation because of the widespread of flu.

Hold this---- :beer:

They can’t carry.

An international blue ribbon panel will be formed to name future viruses to ensure that no one’s feelings are hurt. Libs will protest the reference to a blue ribbon panel and will demand that we call it a rainbow ribbon panel. Others will demand that the person who is ill be allowed to choose “their” own name for the illness based on whatever name “they” identify with. Patients who recover will also demand reparations given the stigma associated with being called a former patient. Bottom line, people won’t change.

The other sad thing about higher ed is that it is one of the only (if not the only) type of business that does not have to back its product with any type of warranty or money back if one doesn’t get the good job they were hoping for.

It’s not going to be that long.

Am I wrong?

Besides that wasn’t the point.

Carrying is always the point, Bob.

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Best wishes to you Buddy. I hate it when people do everything right, then get hit out of nowhere. Hang in there. Maybe you’ll pull through. :pray:

Not for home defense


I think the Cruise Ship industry is done. (Apologize if already mentioned).

These guys have a biological troubles often. :us: :elephant: