In the What the Hell Category

What an odd deflection.

Uh, huh…especially when you get spanked applying your logic to the real world.:sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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I didn’t ignore anything.

You were outraged by a guy using a truck to kill 106 people. Once. As if to prove guns are not really a problem.

I pointed out that we have that much murder with guns every single day.

Where/what/why…sure, let’s dig into it. But stop with the silly “guns aren’t the problem - people kill with rocks too…” stuff.

I’d be happy to discuss gun violence in america. ITT I was responding to the typical ‘but people kill with everything…’ stuff.

We should start a new thread for your topic though.

Hardly the only attack made with a truck. Why do you ignore the fact that people bent on murder will find a way to do it, especially mass murder?

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Bet I shoot waaaaay better than you. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Listen? I hear Taliban laughter in the distance.

Between the two of us, you and me, which one is harder to kill?

This one is fine.

There’s no such thing as “gun violence”. Did you call this mass shooting “bow violence”?

Between the two of us, which one has a better chance of surviving?

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Lucky for us (and unlucky for Norway) he wasn’t in the United States.

Radical Islam is a plague.


From my link

Shots were fired by police during the arrest, Aas said.

I wonder if they shot arrows back at him?

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If you read a few posts above you will see I don’t ignore that at all.

In Norway, killer with a gun shot 77. A killer with a bow and arrow killed 5.

That’s the point.

(Putting aside that easy access to mental health care would lower the number of psychotic killers…it would never eliminate them.)

Duh…momma didn’t raise no fool. :grin:

Are we jumping right to the ‘I’m way tougher and cooler than you’ part of the thread so soon?

Not at all. It has nothing to do with either. And @DisturbedGuy took care of that already trying to deflect.

In that situation, which one of us has a better chance of survival?

What situation? The bow and arrow situation? I don’t the first thing about you IRL. And you about me. How could either possibly know?

You know I carry.

What was I trying to deflect?

You seriously can’t spot the difference between a rapist and a mass murderer?

A gun and a penis? Sure they both shoot…. But ummm yea.

Well, this is the internet. You SAY you carry. You also say you are a lawyer…I forget how you phrased it…In your tribe? In your society? Which you never explained. So, you know…

But beyond that, and accepting that what you are presenting here is real, I don’t know if you are competent or not. You might pull your gun out and shoot yourself. You might pull your gun out and shoot someone else too…

I also am not sure the fact that you are carrying matters to your survival odds in a mass shooting - or…bowing? Arrowing… - situation. I think you could END it, but until that happened, you are just another target. Maybe even more of a target if the killer IDs you as a threat/

Anyway, you wouldn’t have been carrying in this instance because you would not have been allowed to bring your gun to Norway. So there’s that too…

And BTW, I’m not against legal carrying in the US. Im not even against gun ownership in the US! my solution is better licensing, policing and ownership requirements.