In My Opinion we're in the middle of modern day book burning

Easier then not inviting the Taliban on us soil just days before 9/11? Cause he failled that one too

Wasn’t that around the time he got mad because he couldn’t buy Greenland?


I think Greenland was less then a month before tea and crumpet with Taliban

All history is revisionist.

The south largely seceded because the industrial north created trade laws which kept southern plantation owners land rich and cash poor. The southern states wanted to be able to trade cotton directly with Europe, but the law allowed only finished products from northern factories to be exported. This created a situation where southern growers were forced to accept lower prices for their raw goods and northern industrialist profiteered from the finished products. Was slavery part of the equation? Yes, but not for the north, which did not enter the civil war to free slaves. That came later, when the north sought to foment rebellion and sabotage in the south. Ending slavery was a strategy in the war, not the purpose. As Joe Biden likes to say, “Delaware was a slave state” and didn’t even vote for the 13th amendment until 1901. The only place the emancipation proclamation freed slaves, was in the south. The “Lost Cause” while romanticized, is not completely a “myth”.

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Boy, was that a selective reading of my post or what?

I’m impressed.

The South seceded because of Slavery

The war was because there was secession.

Slavery was the prime motivator for the war.

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Contradicting yourself.

Nope. Not at all if you include the first sentence of my post and not cut it out.

who willingly marched with the nazis? The nazis? You are unable to show that every person or group that objected to the statue removal was a nazi or even marched with the nazis or even knew the nazis were there.

You have now been shown proof that the leftist media’s quote of Trump was misleading, a lie of omission, and out of context. Trump unambiguously condemned neo nazis and white supremacists 50 seconds after “fine people” but that information was kept from you.

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That is revisionist history. Slavery was A reason for the war, not THE reason for the war. To be sure, it would have come at some point in any event; however, the war at the time it occurred could have been averted had the north not enacted the trade policies it did. The south’s chief complaint going into the conflict was trade policy. Slavery, was not in jeopardy at the time any more than it had been before that time. Agreements between the states on admitting new states assured that. It would have ended one way or another, likely there would have been a war when it did. But the north did not enter the war to end slavery.

But they ended it regardless. And defeating the slave states cost many lives.
History is not a record of what people intended, it is a record of what they did.

If intent mattered, we should look to understand what the INTENT was of all the slave owners and all the Confederate officers and men.

It seems like I have to write this every couple of months… so here goes… again

I will be as charitable as I can be and assume that not everyone there had foreknowledge that the “Unite the Right” rally was organized by White Supremacists, for White Supremacists, featuring White Supremacist speakers in order to advance the cause of White Supremacy.

I will allow someone that ignorance.

I will also allow that they somehow missed all of the news in the run up to the “Unite the Right” rally and how it was for White Supremacists, featuring White Supremacist speakers for the cause of White Supremacy.

I will allow someone that ignorance.

I will also allow that someone may have missed the news of the “Jews will not replace us” tiki torch rally the night before the rally.

I will allow someone that ignorance.

If someone arrives and sees the symbols of white supremacy and swastikas being openly displayed and they still choose to march in common cause with them… they are not a good person.


Yes. That makes it worse. Slavery was the prime motivator for secession.

Secession was the prime motivator for war.

There is only one prime motivator.

Slavery was perhaps the most important and divisive issue of the first half of the 1800’s.

Those agreements among the States that you point to around admission of new States as free or slave States… that wasn’t a hindering factor to the war but an acceleration of it. The Kansas -Nebraska act threw fuel on a fire that has been simmering for decades.

Charlottesville is 6500 acres. No one could have surveyed the whole city.

furthermore…What American would chant “jews will not replace us” ? it means nothing here. I will tell you where it DOES mean something… in the leftist Palestinian areas. Libs were duped…The chanting was organized by leftists sympathetic to the Palestinians
dupe dupe dupe :rofl:

Same for those arriving and seeing the looting and burning.

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There would not have been a war if it weren’t for secession

There would have been no secession if it had not been for slavery.

The question of slavery is 100% what led to the war.

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No. Moving a statue to a cemetery isn’t censoring it. It’s not attempting to prevent access to the statue. It’s simply placing the statue in a location appropriate to its history.

Burning/banning books from libraries is an attempt to prevent access to the content to people.

Relocation statues isn’t suppression. It doesn’t attempt to scrub the knowledge that the statue exists, or the history that it represents.

That’s why burning books/banning books IS suppression (ie-part of the definition of censorship). The direct idea is to scrub the knowledge that those words existed.

Oh… back to being not serious.
