In less than one week Bernie Sanders is likely to have the nomination wrapped up

I am not sure whether you have indicated whether Sanders will have 50% + 1 of all the delegates or not.

The way things look right now I would not be at all surprised for him to get a majority on the first vote.

Bloomers represents just about everything democrats have hated for decades. Heā€™s an authoritarian mega rich white guy who is a condescending snot in a 2,500.00 suit and thousand dollar shoes who is literally trying to buy the presidency outright out of his own pocket.

The longer Biden goes the more itā€™s obvious heā€™s mentally unfit to hold the office.

Butti wonā€™t fly with southerners and blacks.

Warren just never got any traction.

Steyer canā€™t get out of the basement.

Whoā€™s left that stands a chance of beating Bernie?

He literally doesnā€™t know where heā€™s at or what heā€™s doing half the time. His mind is gone and heā€™s toast.

He landed an endorsement from James Clyburn today or yesterday. That is huge in SC.

It wonā€™t matter. He was easily the favorite all along in SC but all of the numbers Iā€™m seeing say SC will pretty well be his last gasp and hope for the nomination.

Unless thereā€™s a major change in the next week, Burnie will cleanup on Super Tuesday and Biden will be done.

See the median party line? So after a hard left turn, Democrats are a little to the left of the median.

The GOP is far, far off the median. Still.

Good catch just noticed for whatever reason this is for the political parties of the U.S. and the U.K.

Which is kinda odd but as a party the GOP has not changed as much in the past 20 year years from were they have been whereas the Democratic Party has swung harder to the left. Trying to block out the Labour and the British Conservative party.

What do you think has brought on the shift to the left? It didnā€™t happen at the beginning of Obamaā€™s presidency it seemed to pick up steam in his second term. Did you see the NBC/NPR poll were 47% to 42% of the Democratic Party said it was important to move away from Obamaā€™s policies? Why the sudden change? Obama was literally one of the most successful democratic presidents in the last 50 years up there with Clinton. I would be terrified if the GOP had to run against him again they would get tossed.

Obama was successful because he was very pragmatic, knew how the levers of power worked, and what was achievable. Far from the wild eyed Marxist I was promised, he was fairly centrist in execution.

I am guessing but having a large chunk of a generation coming of working age during a huge recession and seeing how great capitalism worked for them, their friends, their parents. The consequence of every economic collapse is in the aftermath the average voter gets a lot more commie.

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Yeah they tend to see such options as the upper crust gets more authoritarian and plays on outside fears. The phrase socialism or barbarism becomes more descriptive.

I agree with much of that. A prominent British conservative I read and listen to has repeated much of the same the younger generation I am assuming millennials younger than me havenā€™t had the benefits of capitalism their family had and are turning towards socialism. Some are turning towards right wing parties while the center parties are falling off the charts and populism rules the day.

He says much of the same they or their parents didnā€™t come out so well after the financial crisis and everything has just gotten more expensive. Of course a conservative and a socialist would have different medicine for the cure, not trying to sound cliche but I think diagnosis is correct.

i think he does get there.

Didnā€™t you claim the super delegates would cause Sanders problems?


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So you approve of anarchy, with angry mobs destroying public property. Then again, just look at all the looting, arson, destruction of public and private property, and assault on law enforcement officers that the Democratic Party supporting left engages in.

No, I do not want the violent, intolerant left in charge of our future, nor do i want them rewriting the historical past.

I think theyā€™ll find this summer itā€™s not going to be a one way street anymore. Too many people are fed up.

Guess they werenā€™t

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They had predicted heā€™d do well on ST but after that it was looking pretty dismal.

The shuffle with the also ranā€™s bailing out no doubt is having an effect.

Rightā€¦just not how you think

I donā€™t know about that. The TEA party rallies had some really pissed off people, and not only was there never any violence, they even cleaned up garbage after themselves.

They wereā€™t being physically assaulted either.

Remember all those 10-20yoā€™s we saw at those rallies?

How old are they now?