In latest gaffe, Biden places King, Kennedy assassinations in the late 70s

Joe is showing us daily why Obama kept him out of sight for 8 years.

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The first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.*


Choose biden. It will be funny.

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Let us know when repugs decide to have an African American at the top of their ticket.

Maybe 2100, maybe 2200.

Silly libs, still pretending like Barack’s skin color made him any less of a Bush 2.0. :rofl:

Maybe we could get the current president to say something as nice about Judge Curiel’s Mexican heritage. It would be a big improvement.

Says the party with 14 white guys running for POTUS in 2019.

dimocrats love their old white daddies like bernie and biden.

And is the reverse also true?

A date? He forgot a decade.

Thanks for the advice…I will do just that.


What was the orange one? Covfefe was a classic.

Oranges was when he kept trying to say origins. He did it like 3 out of 4 tries.


Can you imagine…this brain…with his software :sunglasses:…being the POTUS?

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Yeah it was.


:rofl: I hadn’t heard about that one.

Well, if they aren’t white, they need to go back to their home countries first and fix them. That takes a long time, so some of them might not be ready for 2020.

One day possibly it becomes…Mr. President…this button…sets off national warnings and this one goes nuclear.

Welcome to present day and now think about New Hampshire and Vermont? :sunglasses:

Me neither. lol

Kinda funny, yeah.


Well Biden is so busy praising segregationists for saving his children from being bussed into a “racial jungle”, I’m surprised he has time to run for president.

Good thing too. His kids could have become drug addicts.