In latest gaffe, Biden places King, Kennedy assassinations in the late 70s

They support their chosen one.

While complaining about Biden’s gaffes.


It has to be pretty demoralizing to know Obama doesn’t even give Joe very good chances of winning. If a former president cant even endorse his own vice president to run, that speaks volumes.

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Maybe Obama doesn’t want to support anyone this early in the race.
Most former Presidents don’t endorse anyone this early on.

This preview has been very instructive. lol

Trump doesn’t have gaffes.

He just lies and says stupid stuff.

Bideners don’t get to complain about Trump’s gaffes…thats the point.


Lmao… please explain how you came to that conclusion.

Should be obvious. So many things people complain about in Trump will be countered with Biden doing the same.
Embarrassing statements is at the forefront of this.

The obvious thing that I see is the Trump bootlickers mocking other politicians for the same ■■■■ Trump does, all while giving their dear-leader a pass. Hypocrites, all of them!

We could do a side by side comparison of insane things said by Biden during the campaign vs Trump from Wednesday and Biden would come out ahead.

Trying to transfer Trump’s serious flaws onto Biden is hilarious


Biden forgets a date. Trump fails to buy a country that’s not for sale and gets mad about it.

Biden, who prides himself coming from a slave state, works well with segregationists.

If Trump said that there would be a forum breakdown.

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Right…Biden is simply a neurological-health involved person.

A date and a state. The Bride of Biden is right, swallow hard.

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Oranges. Cofeve.

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Get him back to the home before sundown.

Trump said racist things during the tenure of the old forum and the new forum. I suppose all the spin his supporters put on those statements could be considered a sort of “breakdown.”

Biden, who prided himself with coming from a slave state, worked pretty well with the first black president too.

Of course he got along with Obama. He explained that quite eloquently.

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” Biden said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

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Only because he was clean and articulate. And didn’t speak with a negro dialect, unless he wanted to.