In case you're all wondering our host was just talking about this. Sanders rape essay

Where you this upset when teenage Brittany Spears was dancing half naked on MTV.

I’m sure that was to appeal to her young female fans.

That’s just how men talk. He was getting ready to pop a tic tac.

I don’t remember seeing it. I can say though, I didn’t care for the Superbowl performance either. Maybe it’s just me?

The Media pushes sex is the largest selling point.
Its in everything Music, TV, Movies, etc.

do you think Baywatch was popular because of their writing or was it the 15 mins of slow motion of woman running in swimsuits.

I get what you are saying. If this causes you to see sanders as a deviant that you can’t in good conscience support, fine.

But how do trump’s view of marraige and his actions towards women give you cause to support him.

LuLou…a “man” is comfortable in his own skin, thinking things through and then execute that game plan…making sure that if everything goes wrong…those that are counting on him…aren’t hurt. IMO…that’s a man.

Hollywood and Media in general are very predatory.
how many cases of child abuse have there been over the last few decade.

but it makes sense Hollywood and the Media for the longest type viewed woman as sex object they were there to sell an fantasy.

We’re on the same page now.

How many teenage celebrities you think are offered the cover of playboy the second they turn 18.

How many playboy magazines do you believe I’ve purchased in my life?

A funny thing happens to a father of daughters. As they grow older, the curtain on life’s fantasies…closes on the stage of life and you come to terms with…that female…is someone else’s daughter. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

If everyone thought like that the world would be a better place

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That’s where…our examples of how we live our lives and the decisions we make…have to teach others, what true happiness is all about.

His mindset is not defined by his fantasy essay.

It’s his political revolution that I fear, and that is front and center. This thread was just a nice exercise in escaping from the threat of socialism. It gave opportunity for a few rounds of finger-ponting and counter arguments and all the usual posturing from both sides.

But we should be returning to the real story. The current story. The actual story.

Sanders is an existential threat to the Constitutional form of government we are supposed to have. Plenty of forum libs originally postured that they could never support Sanders, yet as the smoke from the primaries clears it’s becoming clear to them that they will have to.

And those of us opposed to further government expansion must double down on clarifying what a Sanders presidency would mean. Getting wrapped up in a porn essay is not the way to do that.

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I don’t disagree my friend. His potential political damage is more paramount that this potential social damage. What I interpreted as happening, was another facet of this perverted diamond was exposed for all to see.

So we are holding people accountable for everything they’ve ever said in their entire lives now? Wonderful. There are hours of Trump being a racist, sexist total ■■■■■■■ creep on tape with Howard Stern over the years. You wanna pick all that apart? I bet you don’t. Are you really this apoplectic about one goofy essay Sanders wrote 48 years ago? Really? Have you got ANYTHING since then - literally anything, that he’s said or written or done that jibes with what you guys are implying he thinks based on this essay? In the past half century of public life?

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Trump totally agrees.


Look… let us not argue that what Ford claimed to have happened actually happened.

I personally do not think that there is any proof to her claims even though she is quite compelling and I believe that something happened… even though we can not determine with enough evidence as to what exactly happened.

But to dismiss what she is claiming as not being sexual assault and somehow lesser… that is 100% bonkers.

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I find my nicest hoodie for that :slight_smile:

While “cadet bonespurs” was putting people to work, the “conscientious objector” was busy writing rape fantasy.

And now the rape fantasizer is steamrolling his competition.

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