In case you're all wondering our host was just talking about this. Sanders rape essay

Party before gender?

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It’s from a movie, but this sums up my society’s golden rule pretty nicely:

I won’t be wronged. I won’t be insulted. I won’t be laid a-hand on. I don’t do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.

Also partial to this one:
I hate rude behavior in a man. I won’t tolerate it.

Although The Garbage Society’s prisons preclude me from my first choice of preferred actions.

That’s the reason Donald Trump will never get my vote; he’s rude.

It seems to be playing pretty well here.

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Oh wow we are doing that?

That’s what is leaving me confused.

One is locker room talk while the other…is attempting to be psychiatric. Now…guess which is who? Also…let me add, I don’t approve of either one.

Uh huh.


People can be upset about this.

No one will take them seriously.

Because that is specific to just “your” society.

C’mon… get real.

Wasn’t trump describing things he did? Not sure how that fits in with the psychological analysis.

Just like Hunter Biden’s sooper serious crimes.

We know.

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Yes, Trump spoke of what he did while Bernie is telling us all…what he believes the masses are actually doing…behind the scenes…in our own bedrooms…and it’s sick.

He believes that people have sexual fantasies, is that true?

are you under the impression America Media doesn’t sexual teenagers.

He believes that people live their lives out completely around a sexual fantasy…that’s what’s true.

Let me elaborate; marriage is a sacred bond, where two people have a civil union and then specifically ask for The Lord’s Blessing upon them. He then takes two…and makes one. This is a relationship that brings children into the world that are then guided and taught by those same two, to bring these children into the world, prepared for adulthood. Now…the circle goes round and round. What he suggests…is trash…COMPLETE AND TOTAL TRASH…PERIOD.

Have you turned on the TV in the last 50 years.

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Oh sure sure. Lol.

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Hey, I’m just repeating his explanation from 2016 when this first went public. I don’t really see why the focus is on this subject, If you want to get in his head to see how he thinks look at his proposed policies and how he plans to pay for them (correction: make Us pay for them). Be warned, bring a flashlight and a big ball of string because the inside of his head is a labyrinth, with a lot of blind alleys, dead-ends, and circular paths leading nowhere.

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Are you a sheople?