In case you're all wondering our host was just talking about this. Sanders rape essay

An individual, not immune. Watchful.

Try pretending one cares about something one obviously doesn’t care about?

Why would I try that?


It isn’t outrage, it’s confirmation of what I already suspected.

Nah man.

It’s cool when one sets oneself aside from the fray and gets to judge from afar by limping everyone into an either/or paradigm no matter what their opinions on a matter may be.

It is a totally great way to always “win” without actually making a point.


Some of you need to move on from talking about each other.

You’ve been warned.

What I care about…is so many of my fellow Americans…buying…what this snake oil salesman is selling.

That you don’t actually care about any of this?


I already knew that

Even if a woman comes forward with accusations of sexual assault, libs will automatically side with Bernie. :man_shrugging:

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Cool…this essay has nothing to do with that, nor did any pop psychology analysis of Sanders’ love life.

I can’t be more specific. This man…and his mindset…are a danger to the future of this country.

I understand not enjoying this essay, I understand how this can make one wonder about sanders.

If sanders divorce gives a person pause, what the hell is the story with trump then? I really don’t get it. Be honest with yourself.

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I surely wouldn’t take Trump’s advice on marriage but…he hasn’t given any…has he?

Then I tell you what.

Get on him about the actual issues.

Have that discussion.

That part is interesting and informative.

This nonsense about a bad essay that he wrote is silly… especially given who the Current President is.


You are welcome to join my society if you can straighten your mind up. There are however, standards.


This thread isn’t about Trump. And this is an issue.

No. It isn’t an issue.

It is a distraction.

The people who are bringing this up aren’t being serious.

There’s two sides to a coin and you can only see one side at a time. What this exposed, was the side you don’t normally see.

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You and the other one need to stop telling people what they believe. The warning was a couple of posts up, heed it.

Toxic masculinity isn’t an issue?