In case you're all wondering our host was just talking about this. Sanders rape essay

more exposition from the sick mind of a leftist

This just gives a peek into the mindset of Bernie. This ISā€¦how he thinks.

Now take a look at his own personal life and how he managed it? He was married for two years and then divorced. He then had a son out of wedlock with hisā€¦partnerā€¦that lasted a year. Me married his second wife in 1988 at approximately 44 years of age. I guess this one lasted because his warped fantasies were probably under control by then?

Heā€™s not the poster child that Iā€™d like to blueprint my life around regarding this subject he pretends to know something about. In fact, Iā€™d label him a failureā€¦right along with the mindset that got him there.

itā€™ll be interesting to see cnnā€™s reaction to this as they cover it

False equivalence much?

Just imagine the hair on fire crap you would hear from the left if Trump had written this garbage.


The Bernieā€™splaininā€™ is off the charts this morning. Panic and desperation is setting in. :wink:


He didnā€™t want a part of that society either.

You do realize the first few paragraphs were not words he made up, donā€™t you?

It was stuff out of the magazines he was talking about.

PS I agree with Jezcoe it was a terribly written essay which in my mind speaks to Sandersā€™ incoherent thinking at age 32 more than anything else.

Not sure heā€™s improved on that with age.

I will continue to address hypocrisy where I find it.

You are a member of The Collective, it comes at a cost.

Have a nice day, Iā€™ll be watching.

I havenā€™t forgotten.

Thereā€™s no hypocrisy, only false equivalence on your (singular) part.

One standard. No Just Us system.


When you find a case where someone said Bernie assaulted them 50 years ago, letā€™s talk.

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ā€¦and to allow such bull feces to weigh so much into an important decisionā€¦concludes their discernment to beā€¦inconsequential.

Everyone see?

The crocodile tears over this?

You all see this right?


The defense rests. :sunglasses:

Matthew 5: 27-28

Yes. And you are an individual immune from all of it.

We get it.

Yesā€¦only you got mixed up who was the defense and who was the prosecution.


You donā€™t care about this stuffā€¦at least not when it comes to electing Presidents.

We know this because you voted for Trump.


Even crocodiles understand one standard.

If this is messed upā€¦try itā€¦youā€™ll liiiiiiiiiiike it. :sunglasses:

The thing is that I donā€™t believe anyone who is is making a show of outrage over this.

I donā€™t believe you.