In a dramatic reversal, Pentagon think-tank calls for a negotiated settlement in Ukraine


Fake meme! And of course the rights media apparatus is relating this fabrication to an uncritical audience that slurps it up within it a second thought.

There is no penalty for being a serial prevaricator for Republicans, only rewards.

…said the Russian collusion, illusion, delusional Brandonite. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

The irony is so funny this morning. :rofl: :+1:


There are thousands of think tanks in America.
None of the are secretly owned by the Pentagon.
Most of them turn out to be little more than the pet project of a single academic department at a single university or group of Universities
and thus each subject to specific “cultural bias.”

EX: Nicole E. Willcoxon of UC Berkeley is

  • a Senior Fellow at Brookings Institution &
  • cofounder of UC Berkeley think tank called the “Center on Democracy and Organizing”

It’s not wrong to say she, and her groups are biased.
It’s not wrong to say Rand is Biased.
It is tinfoil-hat stupidity to describe Rand as a “Pentagon think tank” or describe it as controlling America.

Marijuana causes paranoia.
It’s okay to smoke it.
It is natural to become paranoid from it, but try to recognize paranoid delusions for what they are.

Did you notice that Rand’s other areas of research include
Children Families and equity in Healthcare?

Energy and the Environment?

It appears to be a selectively edited quote from the same date:

“The idea that we’re going to send in offensive equipment and have planes and tanks and trains going in with American pilots and American crews — just understand, don’t kid yourself, no matter what y’all say, that’s called World War III,” Biden told a gathering of House Democrats in Philadelphia.

So yes: fake meme.

Clearly Trump and many members of his campaign, the GOP in general are up to their eyeballs in Russian money and involvement.

Hoe aniut that Durham investigation, derp……derp……derp. Be interesting to find out what happened to that Italian tip of Trump financial ties that became a criminal investigation of Trump and you guys thought it was somebody else lol. Need to find out more about Barr and Durban’s corruption and how they buried it.

But yes, there is clearly way too much Russian influence in “American” right wing circles, from the head of the GOP on down to the voters trading in Russian agitprop.

yOu dIdNt bUiLd tHaT hurr durr.

They can’t play it straight because they can’t compete on a level playing field, so they lie. It’s like Republican Taqqiya, it’s ok to lie and fabricate in service to the Party.

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It is escalation at the exclusion of calls for peace.

The MEME stands.

A critical question is whether Americans (as contractors or troops) will be manning the tanks. Training Ukrainian crews can take six months or longer, and even starting the training is weeks way.

Sending poorly trained crews into battle with the tanks will simply result in the destruction of the tanks and the crews.

Selectively edited.

That part is correct.

Dark Brandon blindly escalating tensions is real.

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The Republican “calls for peace” mean Ukraine giving up territory to Russia, advancing Russian interests. Really weird how some ostensibly freedom loving Americans keep landing on Russias side.

And the meme is of course dishonest, but it’s like Republicans can win by making truthful arguments. They’ve completely given up.

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Lemme help you out: no, American troops will not be manning tanks fighting in Ukraine.

There’s nothing blind about it.

Even worse then.

You are probably right if they can recruit contractors from other countries who have experience with M1 tanks.

Here is a list of countries that currently have the tanks:

Saudi Arabia

The think tank that secretly controls America wants a negotiated settlement.
Well that’s it then A negotiated settlement is coming.
Expect an announcement at noon.

You know, since the country is secretly controlled by them and all.
Hey, are any of them Knights Templar? Masons maybe? Bankers?

Yes, it is possible to spin just about anything into a dark conspiracy theory.

For example, there are organizations operating nationwide that are indoctrinating children in ceremonies involving 50 pentagrams and 13 stripes. The pentagram is a component of occult and Masonic symbolism, and the numbers 13 and 50 have significance in numerology.

Here is an example of one of these indoctrination ceremonies:

As far as the Rand Corporation, it is no secret that they articulate and formulate policies for the Pentagon. Non-classified Rand reports are publicly available from the Rand website. Many Rand reports are just mentioned as a “Pentagon study”. For example, Daniel Ellsberg was working at Rand when he co-authored the infamous “Pentagon Papers”.

The thread title is incorrect.
It should read “ calls for negotiated settlement.”

The link about Rand controlling America is whack-job pot-smoker flat-earther stuff.

The Rand Institute is quite probably biased (most think tanks have an agenda)

And the real story here is/may be that the think tank for Defense Contractors (the corporations that provide expensive jets and expensive missile systems) don’t want to see “their” money diverted to the Ukraine. See? Easy peasy no whack job conspiracies. No hating America. Just plain old academic politics as usual.

Technical you may be right, but practically no. It is a bit like saying that a conspiracy theory that the prime minister runs the government of Britain; the king is really in charge. The king has to sign each bill, but he signs whatever the prime minister tells him what to sign. Theoretically the king could refuse to give royal consent, but practically that is not an option.

Rand is the brains for the military-industrial complex, aka “the Pentagon”. If you doubt that, consider that NATO has been following every option with “high benefit” on Rand’s list from 2019.

Eisenhower warned about the growing power of the military-industrial complex back in 1961, and there is plenty of evidence that the power of military-industrial-surveillance complex is far greater now than it was in 1961.

Was Eisenhower spouting “whack-job pot-smoker flat-earther stuff”?

It is like saying a think tank backed by Raytheon and Lochhead Martin
a. is NOT the pentagon and
b. does not secretly run the country